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   Days went by and Jisung and Jeongin were as happy as they could be. All these years they've spent together, creating memories and fucking around, turned into more than they could ever imagine.

   The simple kiss they shared would change their lives forever, and they were aware of it. Because even that same day, that very same evening, both boys felt the overwhelming feeling of affection.

   Nothing would ever be able to beat this feeling, this bond that they shared.

   They knew that their love was something special, something worth fighting for. From that moment on, their lives became intertwined in the most beautiful and passionate way. Every kiss, every touch, was a reminder of the incredible connection they had. They were ready to face any challenge that came their way, knowing that their love would always be their anchor and their strength.

   They embarked on a journey filled with adventures, laughter, and endless love. Their relationship blossomed, and they discovered new depths of intimacy and understanding in each other. They cherished every moment spent together, knowing that their love was a rare and precious gift. They were determined to support and uplift each other, creating a safe and nurturing space where they could thrive and grow.

   Together, they were unstoppable, and their love story would leave an indelible mark on their hearts and souls.

   After weeks of anticipation, Jisung and Jeongin finally decided to go on their first date. They chose HaPpY mUg as the perfect setting for their special day, because in the end, no matter how much time they spent together—different locations and different intentions—the café always radiated warmth and made each and every moment unforgettable.

   Like the first time they saw each other outside of school, as Han quietly sipped his coffee in the corner and couldn't help but glance at the younger every few seconds; when Jeongin ran face first into the brunette and tumbled him to the ground—spilling his freshly brewed coffee all over the place.

   The time when they went on their first hang out—when Jeongin repaid him for his spilled coffee—and when he yet again knocked over the drink.

   It was fun to think back about all the memories they shared, here, with the welcoming baristas and cozy atmosphere. And with all of the firsts they shared at this exact coffee shop, it only seemed right to settle for their first date here as well.

   Because perhaps, the name of the café was what made every single second better than it was even supposed to be. Or perhaps it was a lie and the only reason the beverages keep finding the closeness of the ground.

   As they entered the café—hand in hand—their hearts raced in excitement.

   The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as they made their way to the cozy corner booth to sit in. Jeongin couldn't help but smile as he watched the brunette's eyes light up with joy.

   "It's crazy to think that the first time we met.. here.. you were- this shy ass person." The younger cracked out, not necessarily wanting to ruin the vibe but also feeling lost in the silence. "Hey!"

   Jisung chuckled and playfully nudged Jeongin's arm. "Yeah, well, you were the one who knocked me over and spilled coffee all over me," He teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

   "I still can't believe I did that," Jeongin said, looking down and shaking his head with a smile—embarrassed by his past self. "But hey, it led us to this moment, right?"

   The brunette copied the other's actions and took ahold of his hand, glad that things had played out the way they did. "Yeah, it did," He said softly. "And I wouldn't want it any other way."

   So they sat there, hands intertwined as usual, their eyes locked in a meaningful gaze and coffee getting cold in front of them.

   Unlike the other many times they visited the familiar coffee shop, today they went with something that wasn't a cold brew paired with a simple chocolate croissant, because even if it was nice, trying something new once in a while didn't hurt.

   The bustling sounds of the café—which was more crowded than usual—seemed to fade into the background as they lost themselves in each other's presence.

   "You know," Jisung whispered, his voice filled with warmth as he softly leaned his head on the younger's shoulder, "I'm so grateful that we found each other. Being with you feels like coming home."

   Jeongin's heart swelled with love as he squeezed the brunette's hand. "I feel the same way," He confessed, voice filled with sincerity. "You make me feel like.. the- luckiest person in the world."

   It wasn't necessarily weird for them to talk this open-heartedly and sincerely, yet it was unusual and made the experience of the moment a thousand times more special. Just the words falling from their lips, the endless of compliments and confessions thrown at each other made their hearts flatter with love.

   "You don't even know how much I- I enjoy spending time with you." Jisung looked up from his shoulder, his doll-like eyes sparkling in the light, making the urge to kiss him oh so tempting. Yet Jeongin wasn't one for PDA.

   Yes, they were basically cuddling, but kissing in public was a step he wasn't ready to take—or so he thought. A small peck wouldn't hurt, right?

   And so without thinking he quickly placed his lips on the other's and held the kiss for just a second, before pulling away again, cheeks flushed. "And you don't know how hard it is to resist the urge to kiss you."

   Jisung smiled at the feel of the other's lips on his, because despite the many affectionate touches they shared this week, he still couldn't believe it was real.

   Every kiss, every touch, every bit of closure, he loved. He loved all of it, all of him.

   Their conversation continued, filled with affectionate teasing, laughter and most importantly kisses and flirting. They talked about their favorite memories and the adventures they wanted to experience together, yet they already knew, no matter what was to come, nothing could beat this moment.

   The time they shared passed quickly. It was already late afternoon, close to evening, when the two made their way home—once again, hand in hand.

   There was just something about that warmth of each other's touch, that they couldn't get enough of.

a/n: short(ish) chap, ikik, but stan eric nam

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