EP2 What is Real and What is Not?

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(AUTHOR NOTICE,,,,,,, since this is an OT7 story with 7 endings, each with one of the guys, the protagonist Y/N is only choosing one of them which depends on YOUR choice as a reader as to which one of the 7 you want to have romantically, so I'll be giving the """"start of choice"""" and the """"end of choice"""" and you can choose to either read it if you want that man or skip it till you reach the """"end of choice"""" and continue reading the episode, the choices are only romantic choices and has no any impact on the mainnplot story itself. Thank you~)

Are those...Raindrops?...Rain?... Rain why?... Was it even raining?... What...happened?... Why am I swaying like that?...Am I on a swing?...



I open my eyes quickly in fear, remembering the whole thing that just happened, that man carrying me isn't YoonGi!!!

I'm over his shoulder so I don't see his face, but that isn't YoonGi anyway!!

HELL NO, He won't capture me, I'll end him first, I'm a special force agent! All I need to do is-


W-what the hell....is this place?....

I finally see...what I'm surrounded with...

It's pure....darkness...pure rotting...everything is dark...as if it's covered with a dark layer of blackness and darkness...

Everything is....dead....and it's foggy....VERY foggy...hell even the fog is black...the whole vibes this place gives is absolutely unsettling and dark...and very...scary...

And above all of that, the fact that I'm being carried by a man in this place that I have no idea who is...is more terrifying...

I am SURE the fall from that cliff should've killed me... How am I alive?...What is this place and who is that man?!

At least...YoonGi didn't fall too...he's safe up there...

Now what am I supposed to do?...

Attacking an unknown man in such place when I have no idea who...or actually WHAT he is...is a very bad a idea...Not to mention that IF he's helping me, and I attack him, then I'll lose my only source of information here. I am a special agent, I can beat the strongest men, so it's not strength that I'm worried about, but...it's the whole unknown situation...

I'll stay silent and I'll play dead for now till I figure out his intentions.

He keeps walking with me on his shoulder...He doesn't say a word...he's walking like a systemed robot that knows where he's going...

Suddenly, on our way, I see a man lying on the floor motionless...my whole body is on alert mode now...He has long brown hair with a red streak and he's wearing a white shirt with a blue jacket...Is he dead?...Is he alive?!...

Apparently, the man carrying me notices the body as well...and heads over to it... He stands over the poor guy's motionless body for a while, silent, not doing anything, he's just staring. Is he thinking of picking him up too like he picked me?! Is that guy walking around collecting motionless bodies?!

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