Chapter 25

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I wake up with someone wrapped around me and my cat on my chest. I pet her trying to sit up. Soon realizing that wouldn't be possible.

I pull away pushing the object off me. Hearing a grunt as it hits the floor. Turning on my light I see what it is. Lauhing I sit up. Riddle. Forgot he was in here. That made up for it though.

I grab my wand and everything I need for the day. Dressing in my robes and attire. Makeup done. Teeth brushed. Everything set. I walk out and he looks perfect. Already suited up for our day.

Fuck. He's hot like this. Ignore ignore ignore. I do just that walking straight past him. Out my room and down the hallway. Right into the Great Hall for breakfast.

Eyes follow me the whole way. Then to a spot behind me. I can tell who it is behind me and why people are looking. I glare at each person and they quickly very their attention away from us.

Sitting down I get ready to listen and then eat. Maybe not this food. Something more appetizing. Either a good hunt for a deer or a good tasting worlock around here again. Whichever appears first.

I'll take either one at this point. Just blood in general. I can't go weak here. Even if I need to stay out of trouble. I need to feed.

Soon at that. Very soon by the way I'm watching Drays neck. The veins popping out. Beating perfect.

Clearing my throat I focus on everything else. The smells. The people. Anything but the fact I need to feed again. Maybe even scratch the itch to kill again.

My wolf would love that. Who am I kidding my entire self would love that. The thrill and release of anger and endorphins is pleasent. Soothing actually.

Shaking my head I start doodling. Vaguely paying attention to the professor. Waiting for the boring class to just finally end. So I can move on with my day and smoke. Then other things I need done today.

The dragging of class is just making me fidget more. My leg is shaking, fingers are  drumming the desk, and I'm biting my lips and peeling off dead skin.

Someones hand slows my leg down until it stops moving. I jolt to attention gripping their hand tight. Familiar. I look down and realize who it is. It's Riddle. Usually Dray does that to me so I'm kinda caught off guard at it.

Did he catch onto my anxiety? Did I do it to help? What the fuck just happened. Is his hand still there!? It is! Fuck fuck fuck. Breathe. In and out. Ignore his hand. Ignore him. Slow and steady breaths. I got this.

I don't got this. Pulling away I excuse myself. Running straight for the astronomy tower and away from everyones thoughts. His hand. The smells. Just all of it. I can't breathe.

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