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if you have any chapter ideas please feel free to comment<3 i'll take most suggestions
also, happy birthday chan! we love you<3 (also sorry for the shorter chapter)

it was finally friday. seungmin was excited for the upcoming 3 day weekend, since there was a holiday.
seungmin walked into the classroom, sighing as he found his seat and plopped down.

class started and seungmin glanced up, realizing minho wasn't here yet. normally minho was always early, usually sitting in the back on his phone. oh well, it's not like seungmin cares.

the teacher was talking about the lesson, and then the activity, and then partners. seungmin's eyes widened, slightly worrying about who he would get. he was chill with most people, but he was a straight A student. what if his classmates ruin that?

the teacher was calling out and picking partners. "___, with you.. and you with ___.."

seungmin watched anxiously as everyone got their partners picked. "hmm, seungmin! seungmin and..." the teacher looked around at the remaining students, until..

minho walked in. "sorry i'm late." the teacher looked at him and smiled. "perfect! seungmin and minho!"

seungmin stared at the teacher in disbelief while minho looked confused. "what?" he asked.

"you're partners with seungmin, sit next to him, please." the teacher replied to minho, nodding. she named the rest of the partners and sat back at her desk.
minho's eyes were wide as he slowly walked towards seungmin. he was rolling his eyes, plopping down next to the brunette boy. 
"so what do we do?" minho asked, placing his bag down next to the chair legs.
"ah— uhm.. just this science project.." seungmin answered shyly, staring at his paper.
minho looked at the shy boy, raising a brow. "well.." he paused, continuing to stare at seungmin. "how is that supposed to he—" he was about to ask, until seungmin pushed a piece of paper towards him with the instructions on them. seungmin stayed silent.

"" minho finished his sentence, but became quiet as he read the paper.

a few minutes passed and they began the project. but there was one problem. seungmin kept telling minho what to do, over and over again. minho found this annoying, not like being told what to do. "i know what i'm doing! i read the instructions, damn.."

"clearly not! you're doing everything and everything wrong!" seungmin whined softly, stressed out. he sighed, reaching for one of the items on the table.

yet he didn't know minho would be reaching for it too. next thing he knew, his hand was on top of minho's.

seungmin gasped quietly while minho's eyes widened, quickly retrieving his hand. (sorry if i worded that wrong!!😭)

"o-oh, u-uhm, my bad.." seungmin mumbled, his cheeks red from embarrassment.


ahh hi guys! sorry for the late update, school has js been taking over me😭 but, i'll try to make the next chapter soon! thank you so much for reading!! excuse any grammar mistakes😭🤞

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