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matt's hand was lost inbetween my thighs as i
tried to finish my homework that was now due
tomorrow, me doing homework didn't last long
when matt was here.

"can we go to yours?" i put my hands through his
hair. his head was laying on my stomach. he
looked up at me, his lips were swollen.
"why?" "because my dad gets back soon." i spun
circles with my fingers on the back of his neck.
he placed his head back down. "in awhile i'm

it was 2pm. matt had come over at around an hour
ago. my dad always get back home at 5pm on sundays when he's at liz's. it's not every weekend
he's there but when he is, it's always 5pm and
that's why i wanted to leave and go to matt's.
he lives alone with his brothers. when i mean
alone i mean no parents. he can do whatever he
wants and i envy that at times.

i begged matt to let me go on aux. he gave in.

i blare taylor swift as he drove, i put the windows
down and the top roof so the wind was coming in
strong at us. matt looked over at me and laughed.
i know he didn't like taylor swift but i knew he
liked when i badly sang it to him while the wind
was going through my hair.

"how did you like that?" i disconnected for aux.
matt took the keys out of the ignition. he looked
over at me. "torture" he flashed me a smile.
i rolled my eyes. "don't even lie and say that
you hated it" "you loved when i sang style to
you" i put my hands through the hair around
his ear. "okay, maybe...." "but i'll never let you
know the full truth" he gave me a closed
mouth smile. i rolled my eyes again. "let's go
inside." he opened his door, ran around
to my door and opened my door too. my heart
melted. "thank you." i kissed his cheek.

me and matt have been very very much acting
like a couple. which i don't mind. but i don't
know if it's right.

"here's the girl who has stolen my brother" chris
said putting his hand on his heart. matt rolled his
eyes. "shut up chris." "i'm sorry chris, you can
have him back" i crossed my arms. "oh really?"
matt raised his eyebrows at me. "mhm" "he's
all yours." chris squealed like a kid and hugged
matt. "okay chris, this little act going on is
crazy" matt tapped his back. "where's nick?"
"oh he's gone out with madi" chris pulled
away from matt.


i dropped tate home last night at 10. her dad
was asleep when she got home, she was worried
he was going to question her when she got
home but he didn't last night or this morning.

we had practice now, we were all in the locker

"hey" someone tapped my arm. i turned and looked
at him. it's the captain. bryce. "yeah?" i questioned.
"i heard your fucking the coaches daughter" he left
out a breathless laugh. anger fled my body.
"no" i cleared my throat. "i'm not." "oh really?"
"i just heard on campus you were seen at a couple
of parties together" he put a hand through his hair.
literally 1 party, this guy it's actually insane.
"no just friends" i gave him a flat smile. "oh alright."

i don't want coach to even hear about this rumour.
if he does i can say goodbye to my hockey career.

"alright boys!" coach clapped his hands together.
"good game on friday." "parks and sturniolo one,
i need to talk to you guys after the practice."
anxiety completely took over every single
thought in my brain.

false god- matthew sturniolo Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora