If you knew the real me.

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i opened my eyes as the sun beamed into my room from the window.

i laid there for a while and just replayed last night's event over and over again in my head.

The more I thought about it, the more my heart began to ache.

Why me? Why do I always get hurt.

i dragged my self out of bed and into the shower, as the hot water hit my body I relaxed as I tried to convince myself that it was okay.. Jacob was just a little crush, I'll get over him.

As I filled my head with those thoughts I knew I didn't meant it.

In my heart I felt like Jacob could have been the one, my soulmate.

But after I poured my heart out to him and he said nothing in return it was clear e didn't feel the same.

I threw my towel into my dirty clothes bin before spotting a note on my bed.

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as I picked it up.

It was from Jacob.

My heart beat instantly increased as I began to red it.

i don't even know where to began so how about i start by saying, i have feelings for you too. from the moment i laid eyes on you i knew you would mean something to me, I know it doesn't seem that way because of how I treated you. And I can't apologize enough for that,but you have to know the reason I am this way is because of what iv been through. paris,these last 3 years of my life have been miserable and i haven't been truly happy in a long time. That was until I met you. I haven't known you long, and I don't know everything there is to know about you but one thing I know for certain is that you were put on this earth just for me. The way we came into each others eyes was pure fate. you and I belong together Paris. I now know that I can't fight these feelings any longer. Like you said we're soul mates and You you only get one should mate... By writing all of this i guess what im trying to say is.. i love you paris.

by the time i was through reading the letter i was crying even harder than before.

He loved me?

He said he loved me?

Before I knew it i began to rip the note into shreds.

I was furious, to say the least.

If he loved me, and I mean really loved me. why couldn't he just tell me all this last night, why did he have to write it through a fucking note?! that's bullshit and he knows it.

I let out a loud scream before knocking my radio to the floor.

Seconds later my door flew open. "Paris." Jacob breathed out concern washing over his face. "Are you okay?" He questioned.

My eyes sifted over in his direction.

"Get out!" I shouted. "Leave." I repeated as I began to shove him. "You don't love me!" I shouted. "You're selfish! " I continued. "You aren't capable of loving anyone but yourself." I said as I began to bang on his chest as my tears streamed down.

"Paris please." He plead as he wrapped his arms around me holding my hands. "Please." He plead again.. I wasn't sure what he was begging for.

"Why me? Why doesn't anyone love me?" I choked out.

Jacob's emotion changed as he locked his eyes onto something on my floor.

That's when I knew he noticed his letter that I ripped up as it laid there in shreds.

He let go out me backing up a bit. "You ripped it?" He breathed out in a low tone. "Why?" He questioned confusion clear on his face.

I wanted to yell at him more about hap inconsiderate that letter was but by the look on his face I couldn't.

Princeton pov

As I stood there waiting for an explanation she continued to stand there quiet. I turned leaving her room confused.

She wanted me to express my feelings for her right?

So I did.

And she tears it up?

She has no idea what I went through writing that stuff down.. I was never suppose to love again, not after what happened.

But For Paris I made an exception, because she is worth it... But she repays me by tearing my letter into shreds?

I didn't understand.

As I stood there in my bathroom my head began to spin..

I began to hit my head with my hand attempting to make it stop. I grabbed my razor lifting up my sleeve.

I sat onto the bathroom floor before easily gliding the sharp blade alone my skin.

I continued this over and over.

Again and again.

Until my arm was completely covered in blood, usually I stop but this time it's like I couldn't.

A sharp gasp caused my attention to sift to the doorway where Paris stood staring at me wide eyed.

I instantly dropped the razor as I looked up at her with my blood shot red eyes.

"Why" was all she choked out. "Why are you doing this?" She questioned.

I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't get my mouth to form any words.

She clinched her hand over her chest as if seeing me this way hurt her heart.

"I'm sorry." I breathed out. "Sorry for everything."

The Only Exception.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ