My biggest fear

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"Move over." I spat cutting my eyes at Ray.

"Damn rudeness." He scoffed before sliding over.

We continued to pile into the car before prod pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Ouch." Violet groaned as she clutched her stomach.

Everyone's head snapped in her direction concerned.

"You okay baby?" Prod asked glancing back.

"Yeah." She groaned again before leaning her head to the window.

It was clear she was having stomach pain.

"Is it your time of the month?" I questioned.

"Tomorrow I'm suppose to start." She told me.

"So maybe you're having pre cramps." I suggested.

She nodded in agreement.

"Do yall really have to have this talk now?" Ray questioned scrunching his nose up.

"Do you really have to be such a dick ?" I shot back.

"Come on not today." Diggy plead.

"He started it." I pouted in a childish like manned.

"No she started it." Ray shot back.

"Both of you shut the hell up." Violet spat.

My eyes expanded. "Holy shit." I gasped. "You cursed." I pointed out.

She shrugged.

What has gotten into mrs goody two shoes?

I stood in the doorway of the fridge scanning over my options.

"Could you hurry up." Ray questioned annoyance clear in his voice.

"Could you not fucking rush me." I spat with an eye roll.

"Just move." He said shoving me a bit.

"How about you go find you some manners and we can try this again." I scoffed before shoving him in return.

"Paris can I have a word with you." Jacob questioned.

Before I could respond he took me by my arm leading me out of the kitchen.

My back pressed against the wall as he stood in front of me." You want to tell me what's going on?" He questioned.

"What?" I questioned confused.

"With you and Ray." He clarified.

"I don't understand." I said truly confused.

He sighed before pressing his hand to the wall. "Since when do the two of you argue like that?" He questioned.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I admitted.

"Well cut it out." Jacob demanded. "I don't like that shit." He told me.

"Woah." I breathed out. "You're saying that just because him and I argue there just has to be something wrong?" I scoffed.

He said nothing as he continued to stare at me.

"You're out of your mind." I spat. "You're being paranoid and insecure." I said truthfully before attempting to push him back so I could leave the corner.

"Oh am I really?" He questioned before he bagged me further into the corner. "You and I use to argue that way." He reminded me. "And deep down we both had feelings for each other all along." He explained.

Oh.. I see why he would be upset.

"That was different." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah? Cause it seems like the same damn thing to me." He spat.

I remained silent.

"Are you sure about this Paris?" He questioned.

"Sure about what?" I asked.

"About this relationship. Are you sure this is what you want?" He questioned.

"Of course." I breathed out. "Why would you say that? Why would you even feel the need to question me like that." I stressed out feeling offended.

"Because here lately you ain't been too convincing." He pointed out. "I'm putting all of me out on the line, I can't stand to misused." He told me.

"I would never." I assured him.

He sighed. "I believe that." He said simply before taking my face into his hands.

"I really love you." He said.

"I know." I said surely. "And I love you." I reminded him before he crashed his soft lips into mine.

"Can I admit something?" He asked.

"Of course." I said giving him my attention.

"My biggest fear is losing you." He said causing my heart to warm.

I smiled. "You will never lose me." I assured him.

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