Breaking point

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Weird couldn't even began to describe how today went.

first off ray walked around like a complete zombie. It was like he was there, but not quite.

just straight lifeless.

I hate to see him so hurt, but I wish he could understand it was what was the best for the both of us.

But the weirdest thing that happened today was princeton's attitude.

He literally hasn't said anything smart to me, in fact he hasn't said anything to anybody.

Honestly, it didn't feel right without him and I arguing.

Haha sad but that's the truth.

I let out a breath of frustration as I sat iin the locker room putting on my uniform.

I was nervous as hell.

I always get like this before a basketball game because I have the ball mostly the whole game. I feel like everyone be depending on me, if we lose it would make me look bad as the team captain.

you know how much pressure that is?

"dang paris whats wrong, you look mad nervous." casey one of my basketball friends pointed out.

I sighed. "I am." I admitted.

"don't worry Pear, you won't disappoint us, you never do." She assured me.

i let out a deep breath.

that's exactly what i needed.

"Game time." Coach daisy said banging on the locker.

we all jogged out of the locker room and into the gym that was filled with people on the bleachers.

coach went and talked to a few people. then she came back for a group huddle.

After we did our chant my nervousness flew out the window and I began to get hype.

As we took our positions I looked out to the crowd instantly spotting my sister. She gave me a thumbs up causing my smile to deepen.

I looked next to her and there sat prodigy, roc, Ray, diggy and shockingly Princeton sat in the bleachers also.

I couldn't contain my smile as I noticed my amount of support. I was only used to Violet being here for support since my parents was always too busy to come to a highschool basketball game.

"Foul!" The ref called out blowing his whistle.

I sighed as Casey helped me off of the floor. "You got this man." She encouraged as the floor cleared for my free throw shots.

I rocked slightly as I bounced the ball. Nervousness couldn't even describe it.

I had to make both of these shots for us to take the win.

It was 5 seconds left of the 4th quarter and they had the lead by one point. The fate of our championship lies within my hands at this very moment.

'You got this' I encouraged myself.

I gave the ball a few more bounces before I bent my knee slightly letting the ball go.

I watched as it hit the back board.

My heart began to beat out of my chest as it circle the rim before going in.

I let out a breath of relief.

"Come on Paris!" Coach daisy encourage with a simple hand clap.

I can do this.

I knew I could do this.

The Only Exception.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin