Chapter 5

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It had been seven months since Loki had arrived on Olympus and he found himself feeling happier than he had been since he had first held Fenrir. He spent a lot of his free time practicing his magic or reading in the library. Thor and Frigga visited whenever possible and were proud that Loki was happy. Perseus took him out on dates whenever Loki was feeling up to it and Loki had begun to love him, though he still felt very insecure about their relationship. He was able to make choices for himself and was free, just like he had dreamed.

Loki was leaning against Perseus as they sat outside, under a large tree in the courtyard. He was reading a book on magic, sitting between his husband's legs with his back to Perseus's chest. Perseus had his arms wrapped around his waist and was humming a random tune.

"Percy, it worked!" a voice shouted. Loki turned slightly to see Apollo rushing towards them, waving a packet of paper around.

Perseus's head snapped up and he grinned. "He agreed to it?"

"Father had to threaten war, but yes!"

Loki frowned and set his book aside after marking the page with a flower from the field. "What worked?" he asked.

"We've been working on something these past months," Perseus said, smiling happily. "I wanted to make sure it was official before I told you."

Loki's anxiety spiked. Was Perseus getting rid of him?

"Don't worry, Love," Perseus said softly, kissing the back of his neck. "It's a good surprise." He looked up at Apollo. "Are they here yet?"

Apollo nodded, his smile brightening. "Hermes gathered them."

"Who?" Loki asked. Was it Perseus's demigod friends that he wanted Loki to meet?

Perseus gently lifted Loki and stood. "You will see, Love. Lead the way, 'Pollo."

Apollo led them through Olympus and to the throne room before leaving. When the doors were pushed open, Loki stumbled at the sight before him.

His children were all sitting in a circle on the stone floor in their human forms, quietly conversing.

Sleipnir was a young boy, around the age of nine. He had white hair and green eyes that matched his father's. He was small and slender, even for his age. He was sleeping peacefully, as though he had not slept in years.

Hel was a little older, around eleven. She looked just like Loki remembered. Half of her was beautiful, while the other was a rotting corpse. She had been shunned because she would not hide it.

Jormungandr was around fourteen and was the spitting image of Loki, except for his snake-like eyes. He had Sleipnir curled up on his lap as he held him protectively.

Fenrir was seventeen and was silent, watching his siblings converse with blood red eyes. His hair was black, like his father's, but was slightly longer and was tied back.

None of them had noticed the two yet, but all attention was shifted to them when Loki fell to his knees, tears gathering in his eyes. "My children," he cried.

Hel ran to Loki and jumped in his open arms. "Papa!"

Loki encircled her in his arms and hugged her tightly. "Oh, my child," he whispered.

Jormungandr looked like he wanted to approach his father as well, but he had a sleeping child on his lap. Fenrir, on the other hand, made no move to even acknowledge his father's presence, other than sending him a critical look.

Jormungandr looked over at Fenrir pleadingly and the teenager took Sleipnir from him. Jormungandr ran to his father and joined the hug.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Loki sobbed. "I'm so sorry, my children."

"I forgive you, Papa," Hel said quietly.

Jormungandr nodded. "You fought so hard for us, I know you did."

Loki winced as he remembered the harsh punishments he received after each time he fought for his children. It had been worth it each time, but that never made it easier.

Fenrir's brow furrowed when he saw Loki wince. What did Jor mean when he said Loki fought for them? He had never seen any trace of the god after he had been taken, but he had been told all about how amazing his father's life was in the palace. How much power he held. How he could have gotten Fenrir out if he wanted to.

The Greek that had brought Loki there knelt in front of him. "You are confused," he noted quietly.

Fenrir looked at him and nodded stiffly. He had been told to not speak by Apollo because of the damage done to his mouth, so he couldn't vocalize any of his frustrations.

The Greek looked over at Loki with a sad expression. "You have no idea what your father went through in Asgard," he murmured. "He was punished for any signs of independence or defiance. He was forced to endure awful things, Fenrir. When he arrived here, he was quiet, withdrawn. His magic was blocked and he had never been given choices before. He thought that I would ship him back to Asgard if he made one wrong move. He was completely compliant to anything and everything. He is still like that, even if he is less timid."

Fenrir frowned, looking at the Greek with clear doubt.

The Greek sighed. He turned to Loki and firmly said, "Loki, come here."

Fenrir watched his father stiffen before slowly removing himself from his children and hurrying to where the Greek knelt. His head was bowed submissively and he seemed to be trying to make himself smaller. "Yes?"

The Greek sighed again and stood. "Why don't you show Hel and Jormungandr the palace? Fenrir and Sleipnir will stay here for now. I need to have a chat with them."

Fenrir watched Loki look at him longingly, clearly wishing to stay. He expected him to argue or refuse to go, but he simply nodded meekly and sent one last glance to Fenrir and the sleeping Sleipnir before quietly leaving the room with the two. Fenrir caught him whispering, "He won't hurt them, he won't hurt them," to himself as he left.

As soon as Loki was gone, the Greek began speaking again. "The last time your father fought back to try and save you, Odin turned one of your brothers into a wolf and forced him to kill your other brother before having the child slain for being a murderer. He forced Loki to watch."

Fenrir's eyes widened in horror at the story. He suddenly felt bad for ever doubting Loki's intentions. What else had they done to him?

The Greek seemed to hear his unspoken question. "You don't want to know, Child. Loki has been through much, but he never stopped loving you."

Fenrir sighed and stood, waking Sleipnir as he did so. He would give Loki a chance to be his father again.

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