Chapter 4

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Percy was pissed. Odin dared to block his husband's magic. It made him wonder what else Odin had done to Loki. All the comments about "obedience" were playing in the back of Percy's mind.

When they got back to Percy's home, Percy sat Loki down in the sitting room so they could talk properly.

Loki looked up at him timidly. "Please don't send me back," he whispered.

"I won't ever send you back, Loki," Percy promised.

Loki visibly relaxed, even if only slightly, and it made Percy's heart ache. While he didn't know the god very well, he was married to him. He felt like he was failing as a husband whenever he saw Loki so afraid and timid.

"Can you tell me about your life on Asgard?"

Loki slowly nodded and began to tell Percy everything. Percy felt rage boil up in him as Loki described his children being taken from him. He felt hatred towards Odin as he heard of the cruel punishments and the so-called "training" he had put Loki through.

When Loki had finished his stories, Percy quietly said, "You will never be treated in such a way here." He paused and gently tilted Loki's face upwards until their eyes met. His eyes searched Loki's intensely. "You are a free person, Loki." When he was sure he had gotten his message across, he smiled. "Let's go to bed, yeah? You look exhausted."

Loki stiffened again but nodded and followed Percy to their room. "Are we meant to... consummate our marriage tonight?" he asked hesitantly once they were inside.

"If we follow tradition, then yes."

Loki nodded and allowed himself to be led to the bed, clearly expecting Percy to follow tradition.

"Sleep," Percy said softly. "I've never followed tradition before and I'm not about to start now. I have some business to attend to, but I will be back later." Percy smiled as Loki fell asleep, exhausted from the day.

He stood quietly and dressed in his armor before leaving to meet with his uncle. His smile faded into a frown as he flashed to the throne room and sat in his throne, an action which alerted Zeus to his presence.

The king appeared on his own throne not a minute later, looking concerned. "Perseus? What is wrong? I sensed anger."

Percy growled. "I will have no part in an alliance with Odin."

Zeus frowned. "What is this about, Perseus?"

Percy told him everything Loki had, watching with grim satisfaction as Zeus's eyes darkened with every word. "This is a grave matter. We must call a meeting."

Soon enough, the council was all sitting in their seats. "What's the matter?" Aphrodite asked. "Is Loki not to your liking? I would gladly take him off your hands, you know. I'll give you--"

Percy growled. "My husband is not for sale," he snarled.

"What did you call us here for?" Hera demanded. "We just sealed the alliance. Is Perseus wishing to nullify their marriage?"

Percy growled again. "No," Zeus said, "but some important information has come to light."

"What caused this?" Athena asked, looking at Percy intensely.

Zeus recounted everything, so Percy didn't have to, as the young god was boiling with rage already. When he was done, everyone sat in silence until Apollo asked what they were to do about it.

"I will save my husband's children, even if it means I have to wage war on Asgard," Percy said firmly.

"We should try to resolve this peacefully before resorting to conflict," Hestia said from the hearth.

Zeus nodded seriously. "Perseus, I will speak with Odin. Loki is a part of this family now and we protect our own."

"I want a contract giving up all rights to Loki's children and Loki himself. No loopholes."

"I will see to it," Athena said. 

After everyone was clear on their duties, the meeting was adjourned. Percy and Athena stayed behind to talk over the details of the contract.

After they had finished finalizing what Percy wanted included, Percy flashed back to his home and changed into some more comfortable clothes. Loki was sleeping peacefully and it made Percy smile. He didn't need sleep, and rarely did because of his nightmares, but he sat beside Loki all night and hummed the tune to a song Apollo would sing to him when he had trouble sleeping as a demigod.

Loki was under his protection now. Nothing would ever harm him again, so long as Percy had a say.

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