5.Tears in the Rain

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July had brought heavy rains to Seongju, a reflection of the somber mood that had settled over the small town. Jungkook, now sixteen, stood by the window, staring out at the rain-soaked world. This year had brought a cruel twist of fate as their beloved mother had succumbed to cancer, leaving a void in their hearts that seemed impossible to fill.

Jungkook and Namjoon, who had always been close to their mother, had watched her suffer over the months, their hearts breaking with each passing day. The pain of her loss was a heavy burden they carried, a burden that seemed unbearable.

Meanwhile, Taehyung, now fourteen, was back in Seongju with his family for the funeral. He had loved Jungkook's mother dearly, and the news of her passing had deeply saddened him. Taehyung's family, too, shared in the grief. Taehyung's father offered comfort to Jungkook's father, while Taehyung's mother silently cried, holding onto Taehyung, Jimin, and Rose, as they mourned their dear friend.

After the funeral, Taehyung couldn't bear to see Jungkook in pain. He knocked on Jungkook's door, his heart heavy with sorrow. At first, Jungkook told him to go away, unwilling to let anyone see his vulnerability. But Taehyung persisted, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"Kookie, please let me in," Taehyung urged, his voice trembling with emotion. "You don't have to go through this alone."

Reluctantly, Jungkook opened the door, and Taehyung stepped inside. They didn't need words to express their grief; their tears said it all. They cried together, arms wrapped around each other, finding solace in their shared pain.

As the hours passed, Jungkook's exhaustion finally caught up with him. He fell asleep in Taehyung's arms, the weight of his sorrow lifting just a fraction as Taehyung pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

In the days that followed, Taehyung tried to approach Jungkook again, wanting to offer comfort and support. However, Jungkook had withdrawn into himself, avoiding Taehyung's attempts at connection. It was as if he had built a wall around his heart, keeping everyone, including Taehyung, at bay.

Taehyung's family had to return to the city, and as they prepared to leave, Taehyung's heart ached. He tried one last time to reach out to Jungkook, knocking on his door as the rain poured outside. "Kookie, please, let me in," Taehyung's voice was filled with desperation. "I love you, and I'll always be here for you. You don't have to face this alone."

On the other side of the door, Jungkook stood in silence, tears streaming down his face. He longed to open the door, to embrace Taehyung, to let him in. But the pain of his mother's loss had left him feeling shattered, unable to let anyone in.

The next day, as Taehyung's family left Seongju in their car, Jungkook watched from his room window, his own tears mixing with the raindrops that streaked down the glass. Taehyung's eyes searched for him, hoping for one last glance, one last connection, but Jungkook didn't come to say goodbye.

As Taehyung's car disappeared into the distance, the weight of his absence settled heavily in Jungkook's heart. It was a painful farewell, marked by missed opportunities and unspoken words, leaving both boys to navigate their grief and longing in their own separate worlds.
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