Taehyung, a sweet omega, and Jungkook, a fragile alpha, share a unique bond as family friends. They reunite twice a year in their hometown Seonju. Surrounded by serene nature, their encounters are a cherished tradition, filled with laughter, shared...
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The early morning sunlight tenderly diffuses giving a way to the first strong rays of the day, the ones that bring true warmth.
white-puffed clouds are sprayed in the sky like ships of white in the blue infinite ocean.
The opera from the trees becomes all the more powerful as if these golden rays are their conductor's wand, and together they are the song that calls forth the spring.
The farm just like each spring looks like a blossom bud upon a cherry wand, opening to the stronger light and the heat of the brighter season.
Yes, it's spring and a certain baby fluffball is back in Seongju to spend his spring break with the people he cherishes the most.
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"Unkie jeon!!" five years old taehyung squeals in excitement running into the arms of his favorite uncle.
"Look who's here!! Lil taetae is back. huh. Look at you all grown up.'' uncle jeon picks him up smoothly flinging him up in the air as the kid giggles adorably.
"Where's your appa, kiddo?" he smiles with hearty eyes as he settles the kid back on the floor ruffling his soft brown hair.
Little taehyung beams, showing his boxy smile."he's bringing stuff. unkie where is my kookie!?"
uncle jeon smiles at his cuteness, as kneels down to his level and holds his tiny hands delicately, pretending to whisper a secret he was supposed to keep.
"He is hiding somewhere, you know where to find him" he whispers.
"okie taetae gonna find kookie. Silly my kookiee" taehyung slaps his forehead lightly as he sighs to himself while uncle jeon laughs at his antics watching a giggling taehyung running back outside, crossing the fields to meet his kookie. . . . . .
Panting tiny puffs he looks around the playhouse, a small timber cabin that was constructed by his dad and uncle jeon the previous winter for tae and kookie as their Christmas present.
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"kookieeee!!" he calls out.
"kookiee where are you??"
Little taehyung flinches poorly as he screams loudly. "Hey--hey! It's me! Your kookie" however, hearing a certain voice taehyung feels relieved. For lord's sake, no forest monsters are lurking around. It was his kookie, hiding behind the thick oak tree.
"my kookie, you scared taetae" taehyung whines, lips forming a cute pout making the 7- year-old jungkook feel a little bad for his previous act. After all, he didn't intend to frighten taehyung.
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"Sorry tae, I didn't mean to scare you" he mumbles scrunching his tiny nose as he scratches the back of his neck.
"It's okay, I forgive you my kookie" taehyung says in a tender voice as he smiles and embraces him in a tight hug.
"why hide?" breaking, he pouts softly. after all, he wished to meet his kookie as soon as he stepped on the lands of seongju.
"To surprise you silly" jungkook giggles, showing his bunny teeth.
" you're so drama kookie" little taehyung squishes his kookie's cheeks with his small hands as he mumbles in tiny"tae missed youu" and pecks the latter's lips tenderly, soon bursting into giggles afterward.
"y-you kissed me" jungkook gasps.
"you don't wan my kisses?" little taehyung says in a weak voice, sounding hurt.
"no no! I like your kisses, it's just that only mates kiss each other on lips tae. " jungkook rescues but he is 7 now, and he knows that people don't kiss on the lips unless they are mated.
"but mama kisses dada when he comes home from work, She says she loves dada. I love my kookie too" taehyung asserts softly, the small pout still dwells on his lips as he holds on to little jungkook's palms.
"I love you too tae." He smiles heartily at the younger's confession "But as I told you they kiss each other because they are mates"
"you and tae, no mates?" little taehyung speaks naively with shining teary eyes.
"I-- do u want me to be ur mate?" little jungkook has always been protective of the younger and has loved him dearly. They even played games where taehyung would pretend to be little jungkook's omega. He would fake cook for the alpha who would act like he was busy sorting files on his computer. Of course he has never thought of a mate as he is too young for the concept but if he would ever think of having one, he could see a picture of him and taehyung in the playhouse.
" yess, wan my kookie my mate!" taehyung squeals cheerfully.
"then I'll be your mate!" Softly cupping his taehyung's baby cheeks, little jungkook places a chaste kiss on the latter's lips, sealing their pact forever.
Yup! That was the first chapter. I wish you like the story though.
Also, do share your thoughts in the comment section as your affection always encourages me to portray my thoughts efficiently.