Chapter 1

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Loki kept his head bowed in a submissive gesture as Odin shouted at him. A gleam of defiance shone in his emerald green eyes, but it was dimmer than it had been when he was young. His only act of defiance these days was the continual practice of his magic.

Ever since Loki was little, he had been groomed for a political marriage that Odin was sure would one day happen. He had to hide his mischievous streaks and act docile and obedient. If he misbehaved, he spent a week in the dungeons, his magic blocked. If he spoke out of turn, he had his voice blocked for a month. His mother and brother tried to help as best they could, but even they had little standing against the king.

Odin finished shouting at him and sent him away with a scoff.

Loki hurried away and was led to his room, where he was locked in, as usual. When he got there, he sat on the edge of his bed and looked out the window, taking in the beauty that was Asgard. He had little hope for his future, but he allowed himself, on occasion, to dream of freedom. Of the ability to choose what to wear for the day and to show his true nature. He dreamed of a day when his children would be free. A day when he could visit them and love them as a father should.

Sadly, he knew the day would never come. Odin had too tight of a leash on them, and Loki could do nothing about it. So, he cried. He cried for his children and he cried for himself. 

"Loki?" Thor's voice came from the other side of the door. "May I enter?"

That was one thing Loki loved about his brother. He always gave him choices. "Enter," Loki called. His brother had been banished to Midgard not too long ago and this was the first time he had been able to visit Loki since his return.

Thor came over to Loki and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry," he said gently, carding his hands through Loki's dark hair.

Loki's brow furrowed. "For leaving?"

Thor shook his head sadly. "Father's marrying you off."

Loki's eyes widened and he sat up in alarm. "To whom?"

Thor closed his eyes as if pained. "A Greek warrior. When I was banished to Midgard, King Zeus decided to offer an alliance through marriage. He offered the most sought-after bachelor in their pantheon."

Loki's dreams vanished in the blink of an eye. He would never be able to see his children if he was married to a Greek warrior. The Greeks were known for being controlling and strong. Loki would never be able to choose again. "Name?" Loki managed to ask.


Destroyer. Loki became even more hopeless. The name was enough in and of itself for him to know what was coming. He would have to behave like he was taught, and he hated it.

"I am so sorry, Brother," Thor said, holding Loki close.

Loki took a deep breath to steady himself before asking, "Will I be meeting him before the wedding?"

"He will be arriving in a week."

"Promise me you'll visit?" Loki asked quietly.

"I promise."

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