"Where would the tracker be?"

"Either on one of our ships or on a person."

I nodded. "Ok then. Let's find the tracker. How do we do that?"

"Daisy.." Kai paused. "Our ships were scanned from top to bottom, they are clear and our bodies would have dissolved any foreign matter within a few hours. It took six hours for us to fly home, the trackers would have been gone well before we arrived here and none of our people recall anything being injected into us other than the fluids."

My eyes were wide as they flitted between Kai and Kordin.

"It's in me? I brought them here? I need to get it out, how can I get it out of me?"

I stood to my feet, disgusted at the thought of something being inside me that could lead the gladarians to Zandara.

I paced up and down the room, my body becoming hot as my heart raced. I was frantic. They could capture me again. What if they hurt the zaviours?

I knew I was overthinking the situation but that's what I did. I always thought of the worst possible outcome of any situation and I overreacted when things were out of my control.

I looked at Kai and Kordin. "How are you both so calm?"

"The tracker won't work here. It isn't an immediate threat because of the distance between us and them. They would have to travel almost one million miles without knowing where they were going in order for them to find us." Kai stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

"We will monitor their activity for now. They are probably anticipating an attack but with their increasing numbers, we can't risk them knowing our location. Hopefully we can wait it out and they will leave."

Kordin was calm and I saw sense in his decision to do nothing.

"Can you get the tracker out of me?" I shuddered, feeling like my skin was crawling.

"That shouldn't be a problem." He smiled.

"Do you recall anything about your abduction? Did they inject you with anything? Perform any kind of surgery"

I shook my head. "Sorry, Kordin. Unless they did it in my sleep, I don't recall anything like that."

"Don't apologise, none of this is your fault. The medic will be able to see if anything was implanted. If not, then we will have to search the ships again and scan everyone that assisted with the mission."

"Fingers crossed it's in me then." I quipped, making light of the situation.

"I have arranged for you to be seen this evening. We'll see to it that the tracker is removed swiftly if the medic identifies one."

"Thank you."

I had to go to a medical unit to get the tracker removed.

When we arrived, there were zaviours everywhere. This was my first proper outing and although I was excited, I was overwhelmed by all of the stares.

Obviously they were curious about a new human joining there planet but did they really have to stare?

Walking into the large black building, we were greeted by a lady with rose coloured eyes and she smiled enthusiastically.

"Hi, Daisy right?"

I nodded. "Yes, that's me."

Kai tilted his head, giving her a nod when she looked up at him.

"Good evening, Commander Kai. It's a pleasure to meet you." She straightened up in a more professional manner.

Does everyone act like this around you?

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