2: Dinner at the Bradshaw's

Start from the beginning

"Ah, Dan and his big surprises," he shakes his head. "This can't be good."

"My thoughts exactly."

"I remember once, back when Dan and I were in high school, he wanted give old Randy Bunkley a birthday surprise. He somehow managed to unlock the school doors, bring in a cow from Randy Bunkley juniors farm, and led the cow to the third floor of the school, while going completely unnoticed." He shook with laughter, "and the best part was Bunkley's face when he saw the 'Happy Birthday you old fart' cardboard sign thrown over the cow."

I laughed, "I know! To this day that is still the biggest prank that's ever been pulled off at the school."

He laughed, "well then, have you heard about the time that-"

"I don't think that our daughter needs to hear all of the things that you and Dan did in high school." My mama said her arms crossed over her chest, leaning against the door frame. "Breakfast is ready. Come sit down before it gets cold."

As she walks away, I help my daddy stand up. Before I turn around to follow my mama he pulls me in close and whispers in my ear, "to be continued."

I giggle shaking my head at him while he smiles cheekily back.


Dance Partner was just as happy for me to ride her as I was. She was very energetic, starting into canter then broke out into a gallop. I enjoyed feeling the cool air sweep around me, holding on to the reins, and feeling all of Dance's movements beneath me. It was everything I have been yearning for the past few weeks.

I slow her down back to a trot and stroke her neck. "I've missed you Dance," I whisper to her affectionately knowing that if she could talk she would say the same.

We continue our trot until I see the sun start to set in the distance. "Looks like its time to head back," I say looking at the pretty shades of red forming in the sky. "How about we speed it back up again, Dance Partner?" We gallop all the way back to the Bradshaw's farm then slowed down to walk in front of the stable.

"Annie," a deep voice calls when I enter the stable walking besides the newly groomed Dance Partner.

I quickly lead Dance to her stall and close the door. "Dan!" I run to his open arms. "Long time no see, old man. How have ya been?"

He laughs shaking his head and pulls away, "you do know I am only a few months older than your father."

"I know. Your both old men," I smile and wink at him.

"Awww, I've missed your tongue little one."

"I've was only gone camping for a week. You couldn't have missed me that much."

"Your right I didn't."

I gasp placing my hand over my chest then lightly slap his "abs" with the back of my hand. "You wound me! You wound me real deep, Dan!"

He laughs, "dinner will start soon. I'll let you finish up with Dance Partner and I'll see you in there. You better hurry though, because I am hungry enough to eat without you at the table." He ruffles my hair up before he walks out of the stables.

I shake my head at him as he walks away and look back at Dance, "Daddy sure knows how pick 'em."

Daniel Bradshaw and my father have been best friends since diapers. Which makes sense considering they were the only two babies in our town born that year. When they were younger they were known as double trouble, and took pride in the name. The two best friends always seemed to be stirring up some trouble somewhere, driving their parents crazy. The two never settled down until Dan settled down.

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