Chapter 19

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Bruce's pov

Saying Bruce was nervous would be an understatement. Tony had invited him to the tower to meet what he called his favorite pack mates. Now Bruce didn't think vampires had pack instincts and he could assume that extended to dhampirs. Perhaps it was what the werewolves saw them all as, a pack.

He didn't know much about vampire and werewolf dynamics. The only thing he had to go off of was a seemingly neverending conflict, and Natasha and Clint. He wasn't gonna say that he knew everything about what was going on but he would give them a chance.

Making his way to the tower Bruce's thoughts drifted to the team. They seemed scared when he told them that he and the hulk could talk.  Now that he had that conversation and actually talked with hulk they have a good system and rules. If hulk could follow them why was it a bad thing? Then again, they always were scared of him and the hulk, treating the two of them like glass.

Both he and hulk were getting antsy with  them. So being at the tower has to help, he and hulk can also see what the others are like.

Before he could go further down that train of thought he made it to the tower. With his arrival his nerves were back. He met three of them and their introductions weren't pleasant. Their last meeting involved him and the rest of the team barging in unannounced, neither of which made it likely that they would accept him.

He made his way to the elevator and when he got inside it started moving as soon as the doors were closed. Bruce was wondering what Tony had meant when he said Jarvis would get him where he had to go. He supposed this was it.

The elevator took him higher than he expected. Not to the top, but it was definitely a communal area. Hulk didn't seem as antsy as Bruce was. It was a plus that one of them wasn't nervous.

Exiting the elevator he saw more people than before. Tony, Strange, and the kid were all here, but then there were two women he didn't recognize and one man a little older than Tony.

"Bruce! It's nice to see that you and jolly green could make it!" Tony exclaimed. Hulk was pleased to be recognized.

"Ah thank you for the invite." Bruce was happy that he could still talk.

"Of course! Now introductions are in order. Also May, shouldn't you be at work?"

"I'm on call." May, one of the vampires responded. "I am May Parker, nice to meet you."

"Colonel James Rhodes, but you can call me Rhodey." the unfamiliar werewolf introduced.

"Peter Parker. I loved reviewing your papers in class!" the teen werewolf finally had a name.

"Virginia Potts, but call me pepper." The other unknown vampire.

"Dr. Stephen Strange."

"Bruce Banner."

Tony clapped and ventured further into the building, everyone trailing behind.  Tony was with Bruce. Considering everyone told him how unreasonable the man was, other than Clint but he probably just turned off his hearing aids, he wasn't expecting him to be so kind. He also asked for the Hulks input occasionally.

Tony was odd, for both Bruce and Hulk. It was odd, the way both of them were included. The others acted the same, although they took longer to actually talk to him. They were less trusting than Tony, yet Tony seemed to have some version of future vision as he stated that he was sure they would all get along.

Bruce's anxiety started going away faster than he expected. Despite Tony's friends and maybe son not trusting him they were still kind. They started trusting him by the end of the outing! Maybe they would be friends soon.


Making his way back to where the others were staying he was nervous again. It was late, and he told them he would be going out and he wasn't sure when he'd be back, he never told them where he was going.

Making his way inside he was glad to see that Steve and Natasha weren't there. He wasn't sure where Clint was. He knew that he would find Steve and Natasha if they thought he was in trouble, or if they were worried, but Clint wasn't as  overbearing. In fact Clint had actually been more withdrawn after meeting Tony again.

"You went to see Stark didn't you?" Bruce jumped about a foot in the air as Clint made his presence known.

"Ah um well-"

"I won't tell them. I was thinking of going over myself." Cutting off Bruce was probably for the best.


"I want to see him, he never acted close to how Nat seems to think he does. Unless you count his sharp words. But even then his actions tell a different story."

"Why now? Why wait?"

"I didn't know how to. It seems Stark is more forgiving than I thought."

"He's bitter about how you wouldn't let humans on the team."

"I was never actually a part of that argument. Humans can protect themselves, I don't know how Stark came to that conclusion, but I had when I was younger."

Bruce hummed before he replied. "Tony probably came to that conclusion similarly, but you should talk to him, not me, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

Bruce made his escape to his room. It would take him awhile before he fell asleep but he had to think about this new revelation.

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