Chapter 4

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Stephen's Pov

Tony had fallen asleep a few minutes ago, but Stephen wouldn't actually move.  He didn't know if Tony was a light sleeper and he really didn't want to wake up an emotionally exhausted man. He also wondered if Tony actually slept yesterday but he wasn't sure that he would get an answer, even if Tony was awake.

So there he was, on a bed, with a man currently asleep on his lap. Stephen sighed and readjusted slightly, making sure Tony stayed asleep, and he started running his hand through Tony's hair again. It didn't take too long for Stephen to fall asleep as well.


When Stephen awoke feeling some weight on his chest he was confused. Actually opening his eyes and seeing Tony added to his confusion. He relaxed again opting to let the other dhampir continue to sleep as he recalled the events of the night before.

Tony started to stir soon after. Tony grumbled a bit before stretching out a little only to relax again. Stephen decided against actually waking him up and instead just waited.

When Tony finally opened his eyes he quickly jumped up and threw himself on the other side of the bed. His face had turned beet red and he was quick to put his hands up to cover it.

"I am so fucking sorry!" His voice was muffled slightly.

"It's fine I assure you." Stephen had a feeling that Tony would not be calming down anytime soon. Instead of waiting for Tony to calm down he got up and walked over to the desk. He picked up the hoodie that was resting on the chair and threw it at Tony.

Tony caught the piece of clothing and put it on. He went back to covering his face as soon as it was on.

Stephen chuckled as he made his way back to the bed. He sat down where he was before and spoke.

"I'm serious, it's okay." The reply he got was a groan of suffering. Tony's hands fell and he turned away. The blush had gone down and now only his cheeks were red. Tony was glaring out the window and he, once again, grumbled.

"Why don't you take me to explore the town a bit more?" Stephen tried to get Tony to actually reply.

Tony huffed but got up and started getting ready to go outside. Stephen followed the example and soon enough they were on their way to the town.

The two of them walked in a mostly comfortable silence. When one of them actually spoke it was Stephen who had to start the short conversations.

When they made it to the town Tony had actually started to get over his embarrassment. He also started teasing Stephen at any opportunity that was given. Every now and then Stephen would bite back, that would start an all out war between the two of them, trying to see who could come up with a better nickname.

In fact, they were in the middle of one of their nickname wars when they both heard a small yelp in one of the alleys of the town. The two of them froze and then dashed towards the sound.

When they got there they saw a vampire standing over another one like... them? It was hard to believe but they could come back to that later. Tony was the one who recovered first and, of course, started it off with a comment that might get him killed.

"I thought we were taught to go after those who were actually causing problems."

The vampire turned towards them and hissed out a reply.

"You can stay out of this."

"I don't think we will." Stephen, having gotten over his initial shock had stepped in as well. The vampire hissed again before launching himself at Tony. Apparently that was the wrong thing to do because Tony had him pinned to a wall faster than he had lunged at them.

"As absolutely entertaining this has been," Tony's voice was dripping with sarcasm "I think that you should probably pick your battles a little better."

The smirk that was on his face turned a bit more sadistic as he brought the vampire's arm into a painful spot behind his back.

"Is this a lesson learned?" The one pinned refused to answer so Tony pushed his arm further up his back. The vampire nodded quickly and when Tony let him go, he dashed through the shadows and out of the alley.

Stephen went over to the teenager and looked him over for any external injuries.

"Ah, you really didn't have to do that. I could have handled it." The teen had rushed the words.

"I'm pretty sure you would have let yourself get hurt." Tony had walked over.

Stephen decided that he should actually learn the kids name and so, introductions were in order.

"I am Stephen Strange, he" he pointed to Tony "is Tony Stark."

"Oh, I'm Peter Parker! It's so nice to meet you." The kid, Peter, brightened at the topic change. Then it looked like a sudden wave of adoration had taken over his expression.

"Wait, you're Tony Stark!?" Tony nodded.

"Oh my god, it's an honor to meet you and i would like-"

"That's enough kid. I would have done it anyways, there's really no need to thank me." Tony cut off the kids rambling before it could even start. The kid stopped talking but was still in awe.

Stephen started to actually look at the young Dhampir. His eyes were amber with a thin ruby ring around his pupil. Brown curls covered the kids head and he looked like a twelve year old in all honesty.

"Wait, you guys are like me?" The kid seemed to have finally noticed that they were not like the man that attacked him. Tony shot the kid a look and he quickly covered his mouth.

"Sorry, sorry, I just, I've never met anyone like me before!" The kid got even more excited and Stephen was kind of surprised that it was possible.

"Yes i know we aren't exactly common but there is a reason why most of them aren't found out." Stephen didn't actually know a lot about them yet, but he did know that.


"Alright that's enough, let's go get something to eat and we'll need to sneak you into the sanctuary."


"It's for vampires, unless you can change your eyes, we'll have to sneak you in."

"Oh! My mutation lets me walk on walls and stuff!"


Tony waved him off for a moment before responding to the kid.

"That makes this easier. Anyway, every vampire and werewolf has a mutation, you don't have to worry about it yet, he told us his, mine is that my senses are enhanced"


"You didn't know?"

"He was turned two days ago."


They started walking in the direction of the nearest restaurant and the conversation had been rather pleasant.

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