Chapter 3

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Tony's Pov

As Tony made his way through the town he made sure to stop by a few of the safe buildings. Making sure that none of their smells were there was comforting in a way. He never stayed for long though. He was looking for at least someone from the group. He turned between a few buildings and stopped for a bit.

He heard a bit of shuffling and it didn't take him long to figure out that two people from the group was there. By the sound of it it was "Clint" and the red head. He didn't actually listen to whatever they were muttering, but he did determine that they were in between the buildings with him. They also smelled earily familiar, but he could figure that out later.

"I know you're there." Tony called while turning to the direction they were in. For a few moments, the pair didn't do anything, and then they slowly got out of the shadows they were in.

They seemed to have expected him to start speaking as they made their way over. However, Tony instead let them start, their questions were bound to be annoying and personal anyway. Clint was the one that was the first to break the silence.

"How did you know we were there?"

Tony blinked at the question. That's what they're starting with?

"You were muttering." Tony stated. The redhead spoke next.

"No one else had heard us. Not even other vampires."

He didn't respond. Instead he took in their appearances a bit more. The red head was a vampire, her crimson eyes seemed to be searching for something, probably a crack in his demeanor. He wouldn't let her get the satisfaction. He then turned to Clint. The amber eyes that gave away that he was a werewolf seemed to also be looking for something.

He then noticed just how mixed their scents were. They must have known each other for a while for the two of them to smell just about the same.

"Why were you out waiting for that man in the hotel?" The vampire spoke again.

"Oh? I can't wait for a friend?" Tony replied.

"Most people don't pack for a trip and then walk into the forest." Clint said, it was evident that he was getting annoyed. "What did you do to him?"

Tony tilted his head. He had an expression of confusion. Then came his reply.

"He was moving. I was just there to help him get around the town and then to his house." he hated calling that place a house but he kept his mask up. Just a little longer and we can leave. Stephen just had to be able to defend himself and that was coming. Hopefully sooner rather than later but, he could wait.

"He moved into the woods?" Clint stated, unconvinced.

"Yeah, he said that he wanted to go to people rather than the other way around. He also said that he wanted a break, although he didn't say why." Tony crossed his arms as he spoke. He mentally sighed when he saw that they were, at the very least, starting to believe him.

"Have you been going after any humans recently?" the way the vampire spoke would seem to someone else like she didn't care, but he could hear the slight undertone of disappointment. Tony put on a surprised face at that.

"Oh no, i tend to stay with animals." It wasn't technically a lie, although the sanctuary really didn't care. He shook his head to get the image of Stephen, Rhodey, or anyone for that matter, bleeding out because of him. He never actually went out of his way to kill anyone, self defence was one thing but someone that didn't deserve it? He couldn't stand it.

"Do you know anything about the disappearances then?" Clint spoke again. Tony simply shook his head in response. He was still trying to get the images out of his head, the one where Rhodey was hurt, when he had hurt him. Tony still felt bad about it.

The pair seemed satisfied and left soon after, leaving Tony to his thoughts and guilt.


When Tony got back to the room that he now shared with Stephen he went straight to his bed and glared at the wall. He felt so bad about what happened with Rhodey, even though he said that it was okay.

Tony startled when someone sat on the bed. He looked up and saw Stephen.

"What's wrong?"

Tony, instead of actually answering, told the man in front of him that he was fine and that he didn't have to worry. Stephen didn't budge and instead looked at the shorter male expectantly. Tony could feel himself wanting to tell him, he really did, but... he shook his head and spoke.

"It's really nothing, it was something that happened when i was in college."

"If it's bothering you so much i doubt that it's nothing."

Tony brought his legs up to his chest and looked away. Rhodey said that it was fine, hell that he forgave me, it's stupid to continue feeling like this. He bit his lip, the skin being easily torn. The taste of metal filled his mouth but he still didn't respond.

When Stephen shifted Tony glanced towards the other. Stephen just sat there and waited. Although the gaze was one that was either of understanding or of sympathy.

Tony wilted a bit more with each passing moment. Each second filled with silence felt suffocating and Tony would rather not speak about his emotions. After a few more seconds you finally broke.

"I hurt my best friend." Tony rushed his words, hoping that Stephen wouldn't be able to actually understand them. Unfortunately, Stephen seemed to have understood him.

"Did you mean to?"

"Of course not!" Tony exclaimed "i was just... I wasn't exactly in the best headspace at the time."

"May i ask why?" Tony took a deep breath before he told Stephen about how his parents had recently died when it happened.

"And how did that lead to you hurting your best friend?" Tony took another deep breath before going on his guilt driven rant.

"I was transformed at the time. I... I didn't hear him come in and when he called out to make sure I was okay and I-" Tony cut himself off before he started to cry, with a stuttering breath he continued "I bit him, i got him really good too. He was turned after."

Tony didn't notice that Stephen had made his way over to the emotional man. Stephen moved Tony until he was on the taller man's lap. Tony probably would have blushed if he wasn't so distraught.

Tony jumped when he felt a hand running through his hair. After a few seconds Tony started to relax.

"Do you want to know how I got the scars on my hands?"

Tony wasn't sure if Stephen was expecting a response, despite that he nodded anyway.

"Before i got them i was a neurosurgeon, one of the best actually. I got into a car accident and i lost my job because of it."

Tony made a soft noise of acknowledgment. He grabbed the hand that wasn't running through his hair and just held it. He gently brushed his thumb over some of the scars, remembering how sensitive scar tissue can be.

After a few minutes of just sitting there in a somber filled silence Tony started to feel his eyelids droop. It wasn't long after that until he fell asleep.

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