Chapter 14

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Natashas pov

There was something off about Tony Stark. He was hard to read, which said a lot seeing as she was a super spy. There was always the lingering scent of a werewolf, even before he took in the teenage werewolf. Not to mention the lingering metal. Even though she was pretty sure everyone knew about the arc reactor, it was a given considering his life (how had she not realized who he was before?) it was still better to be cautious.

Now she hadn't smelt anything herself, this all came from Clint. He also told her that Stark and Strange were probably with the kid when he turned as the werewolf scent was more dominating on all of them. That begged the question how much did the kid trust two vampires he just met? Unless they met before but that was unlikely.

Another thing that was odd, while all vampires could stay in the sun for a few minutes they still need to get into the shade. They all watched him walk around town for hours at a time while his mutation enhanced his senses. It was terrifying.

So here she was, trying to stalk some one who lived in the top floors of one of the tallest buildings in New York. It took a lot of effort to keep her form mist like, and even more to not get caught while also watching rooms with lights on.

When she actually saw everyone there were more people than anticipated. Most of them were vampires but there was one other werewolf besides the kid. He was about Starks age so he was probably where the lingering werewolf smell was from.

Although one of her questions were answered she still didn't know why Stark or Strange didn't burn in the day. Though she doubted that that question would be answered tonight she decided to wait and watch a little longer.

She noted that they seemed to be playing games. What she couldn't tell but the scene was rather domestic. It actually made her feel a little guilty for assuming the worst. Though a larger part of her held onto the belief that Stark and Strange were manipulating the kid.

The activities continued late into the night. Strange and two women, one assumed to be Virginia Potts, had all gone to bed. That left Stark, the kid, and the werewolf she never met before.

They spoke for a few more minutes before picking a movie to watch and climbing onto one piece of furniture or another. Now she thought that Stark would separate himself from the two werewolves but she was wrong. He laid on top of the unamed man and the kid laid on top of Stark.

With that new revelation she was quick to make her exit and head back to the rest.


When she made it back she was swift in getting her form back to normal. She was exhausted but she had to tell the others.

"Woah Nat, slow down take a break. Tell us what happened, one thing at a time" Clint was the first to get to Natasha. He helped settle her by being nearby.

"Yeah, don't hurt yourself take a moment." Bruce was the second to speak, though he was the last one over.

Clint lead Natasha to the couch. He sat himself down next to her and everyone waited for her to sort her thoughts.

"Okay, so I found out why Stark and Strange smelled like werewolves before they met the kid."

"That's good" Steve spoke.

"Yeah it was what came after that was a shock."

"One thing at a time." Clint reminded.

"Okay, so Stark and Strange know another werewolf. He seems about Starks age and everyone seemed comfortable."

"Alright, continue when you're ready." Clint continued to remind her.

"Alright so," Natasha paused to get her thoughts in order while also trying to figure out what made Stark and the older werewolf so close in the first place.

"The other werewolf, Stark, and the kid were the last ones awake. Nothing big what was surprising was that Stark was cuddling with our no named werewolf and the kid was on top of Stark."

It took a second for the words to process but when they did all hell broke loose. There were overlapping voices, multiple curses and amidst the chaos the clear sentiment was what is happening with Stark?

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