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The Beatles' Hey Judi floating in Sorcerer's Sip bar.  The rhythm with Ruby's melodious voice and the downbeat of the instruments was perfect, and the audience chanting with them. 

The Local Train doesn't usually cover old classic songs. No wonder that's why his twin had texted him to turn up here. Even though he was going to drop by cause he didn't receive any call from Erika. And the band had been practicing for tonight's performance, which they only do once a week for their once a week performance. 

He didn't much prefer covered songs, especially when it's from his favorite band, but this is beautiful and soothing. 

His feet naturally trodden through the audience to go in front of the stage while he reached out to hold on to the sports cap in his hand before it could be knocked down to under the audience's feet. Hopefully, after seconds of struggle, back and forth nudging he was in front of the stage and breathed oxygen as he watched the girls.  

Aurora spotted him in the crowd, and she flashed a smile as her fingers swung across the keyboard masterfully and proficiently. She made an expression that asked, "How's it?" an upbeat smile crept across his face that said, "It's fine." And amazing. 

His twin had not missed that he was hiding something which was keeping him on edge. She had asked him, but he couldn't tell her. It's not that he thought she wouldn't believe him. Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't. But he just cannot see her wails again. When she is blessed to have not remembered all these things. This was for better not to tell her for the time being when everything was going to be fine.

His thoughts halted as he flinched when someone touched his butt. No, he is assuming too much when it is so packed that could happen unintentionally. This is a mistake—nope. Definitely. Certainly. Indubitably. Not. when that pervert grabbed his ass. He dragged that one hand away, but now it came back again. A nerve stricken out on his forehead, it would have been easy to turn around and punch that pervert's any vital points; his neck, eyes, temple, and nose, as his brother had taught him. As much as he would like to do that, the last thing he would want is to hook everyone's attention. Who he was kidding, swinging his fists wasn't his thing, it would be mortifying if his punch wouldn't be as heroic as it was in his head. Anyway, he didn't want to make a scene to cause trouble in Ruby's place. Therefore, over again he thrust that hand away. To his amazement, It worked. It was the first time he was able to stop someone that easily.

The song changed to Oh! Darling. 

He veered around his gaze to see that perverted jerk. He seemed an Italian, his eyes over to the band, and he genuinely seemed to get a buzz of the song. Hastily he retreated his gaze, the second the man's eyes tilted toward him. A notion struck him that this Italian perverted jerk seemed familiar. He fell flat to reminisce where he had seen him. Though whoever he was, It could not change the fact he was a pervert who had molested him.  

After a while the performance ended, the audience clapped for them and praised them. And while the other band took the stage. 

Ruby went to take over the counter from her employee, who was filling in for her during the performance.  

Aurora took off to the restroom with Somaya after saying to him that they were going home together.  

He headed to a table where Erika was talking to a guy. And she agreed to talk to him when he told her that he wanted to talk to her for a minute outside.  

They sauntered toward the exit door, and Augustus's gaze shifted over the counter. Ruby was behind the counter making drinks. Tom, Jerry, and the perverted jerk were at the counter. In the bar, many women had their eyes on him; the man was immersed in making Ruby laugh about something. Tom stretched his lips in a forced smile.

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