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A wide yawn escaped from Augustus's mouth, and out of habit of politeness he brought his hand over his mouth, and the tears cascaded in the corner of his eyes were rubbed with the long sleeve of his flannel shirt.

"You did not sleep, did you?" The woman asked him with her shrill voice, sitting across from him. But he didn't respond to give her satisfaction that he was frantic to meet her. Even though it was true, he hadn't slept all night.

It was early morning and he was in Sorcerer's Sip Bar alone with a woman, Amelia.

The previous night he found an envelope on his bed with no return address, inside of it was a card that says, Amelia, who can solve his problems. Downed with her contact information. His first reaction was that someone must be playing a hoax on him, or perhaps some enemy of his family trying to get to them through him. Even though, not for curiosity but for hope that has always been in one part of his brain because the desperation could make a person weak and do the stupidest things. So he contacted her and arranged a rendezvous with her in Sorcerer's Sip Bar.

He didn't tell anyone about it, he didn't think there was anything to tell in the first place when this person might be a swindler. But he had tagged Tom along with him, who had a spare key of the bar and at the moment he was outside by the door.

"Shall we continue?" she said, while placing a ceramic pot on the table. 

"Before that..." His scrutinized gaze lingered on her, and grasping around a cup of hot chocolate, bought by Tom along the way

".... let me enlighten you, If any word of yours turns out to be a lie, there will be ramifications for you." He delivered her an empty threat. He doesn't go around telling people his family runs a crime syndicate or threatening them since he had Tom doing it for him with his heavy and tall build like gorilla made people recoil in their shells.

"You must have heard the rumors about my family. And you should be afraid they are not a lie." He had a dramatic pause, reserving dominance of his words. Oftentimes, with his fragile and small physique, most people don't take him seriously, and assume he is a chick who is yet to be sprouted.

She flashed a grin."Pretty boy, I know if I lied I would not live to see another day."

He wouldn't say exactly to kill her, yet he let her assume that, and leaving it all up to her imagination for better.

"You said you can solve my problem that meant you know what my problem is?" his voice lacing with distrust. 

She took a deep gust of oxygen and puffed out before she remarked with compassion, "Your brother is in a deep slumber."

However, he displayed no shock. When you belonged to a family with secrets, often you learned to hide your expression that didn't give you away easily.

"What are you talking about? My brother is abroad and working." But obviously, he wasn't a better actor.

"Oh, All this is a load of poppycock, And we both know it."

His brother was the CEO of a business tycoon of the Moretti crude oil, with other subsidiaries. Despite his face never being revealed to the world, he made his name known and stirred up curiosity among people to know him. He was rumored to be the most respected and feared mob boss in America, but no one would confirm the rumor. Though it's true, they were not Augustus' words, he read it somewhere on the internet in a forum thread, which was devoted to the crime families.

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