Ch. 25: Nixie's Dinner Date

Start from the beginning

"What brings us together, Mr. President?" I drew up the courage to ask.

"Dare I say nostalgia? I came across these photos of your family home, and I wanted to show them to you. The riverside mansion was the Fontenot family's most prized possession. I was a frequent guest." Richter Distefano spread glossy Polaroids of a house on the table between us. "Unfortunately, after the death of your parents and your disappearance, the property on which the house once stood was legally transferred to the Council of Overlay Affairs."

I nodded regrettably.

"I was informed that you have been paying rent on a property in Arizona?" He raised a bushy eyebrow. "That's untenable. Your family land needs to be returned to you, and I've already negotiated with contractors to begin work on restoring the home."

"Wow, thank you!" It took effort not to stammer. I was stunned by the news, and I dabbed my fingers with a cloth napkin before picking up a picture from the pile. There it was, the house from my fading memories. I couldn't believe it would soon be mine again. Yet, I glanced over my shoulder as a shiver ran down my spine.

Two of the president's bodyguards stood at attention in the middle of the courtyard, one behind me and one behind the president. They were intimidating enough to dampen the generosity of his words.

"I hope you know that I am using my considerable influence to make this happen," Distefano said mildly. "Normally, you would only be entitled to the land, and the process would take years to complete. I have fast-tracked everything and am personally overseeing the restoration."

"I understand." I smiled with disappointment as I put the Polaroid back. He wanted something in return. "Mr. President, I'm not into politics, and I'd prefer not to give an endorsement to your campaign."

"An endorsement!" He laughed. "Princess Fontenot, let's not pussyfoot around. I have all the endorsements I need. But you have in your possession a certain book that I believe is consequential to politics for Supernaturals the world over. Now, I'm not asking you to give it to me, but I am asking for access to it. I'll set you up in your lavish manor house and consult with it privately whenever the need arises."

I lost my sense of taste and forced myself to swallow saw-dust flavored meat. A bead of sweat rolled past my shoulder blades beneath my dress. Director Van der Woodsen had been convinced that the book wouldn't be our primary topic of conversation tonight. Why was the president leading with it?

"What makes you think The Book of Tides can help you?" I asked.

Distefano's bushy eyebrows clashed together as he lit a cigar. "So, you don't deny you have it. You bear the mark, and you're a Fontenot. No doubt, you have it. As I understand it, as the guardian, you're supposed to carry it on your person at all times. Where is it?" His eyes searched my body, and I bristled at the intrusiveness.

"Excuse me, Mr. President! Kindly leave my 'person' out of this." Putting down my fork, I gave up trying to eat and crossed my arms over my chest. "And you didn't answer my question. Why do you want it?" I asked.

"Hidden from me," he spoke low to himself. "That's the problem. Fate is the ultimate concealer. How helpful it would be to know all of the variables upfront, who's lying and when and why. To pull back the curtain and learn what's happening in the background, what cycles are repeating, which players are on the board. Decisions would be made easier. Imagine the freedom."

"How quickly the horizon would narrow as future problems become all you see," I fired back.

The server entered the room silently, carrying dessert. I gazed longingly at the chocolate cake with crème anglaise and blackberries. So much for enjoying it. As the waiter left, I caught a glimpse of Fitz in the hallway beyond the door, and my heart leaped. He was flirting with his escort, playing the role of lovers in search of a private corner. Security swiftly removed them, but the ruse had been effective enough for him to locate me. The server exited, and the conversation continued.

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