Ch. 18: Dex's Vision

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August 26 | Day

"Rango Duchovny." Director Van der Woodsen dropped a blown up photograph onto my workstation. In the shed for our first official debriefing, Nixie, Legend, and I crowded around to see the visuals. "Edrielle Montclair, Rosie Renee Beverly, and Jasper 'The Curio' Banks," the director read off the names as he revealed their faces.

"These world-renowned antiquities smugglers," he spread his hands to encompass the images, "have all been spotted in New Orleans in the past week, along with numerous lesser players, which tells me that word has gotten out that OASIS has The Book of Tides."

The pressure was mounting. I glared at the pictures until my vision blurred, anger building within me. OASIS was supposed to cover our tracks. How had they dropped the ball so badly?

The Supernaturals in the photos looked like regular people, of various races, ages, and ethnicities, but nothing about them suggested that they were violent criminals. I knew their type. Snakes in the grass, easily missed, until they struck. They would be relentless in their pursuit of us. I peered at my companions and sadly realized they weren't prepared for what lay ahead.

"Last but not least, Darcy Cyprian, a billionaire vampire philanthropist," Van der Woodsen said as he carefully placed Darcy's photograph on top. "Of all the lowlifes lurking about with the intention of getting their hands on the book, he is the most concerning. He has the money, the resources to achieve his goal, and the political clout to get away with whatever he plans to do."

"Director, this wasn't part of our agreement. We were simply supposed to transport the book," I sighed. "Now, if they find us, we're looking at an all-out battle. I've had years of physical training, but Legend and Nixie are sitting ducks. Do I at least have time to get my team ready to defend themselves?"

"Time is in short supply," the director admitted. He had the decency to appear chastened.

"You've gotta give me back-up on this," I demanded curtly.

"Considering the possibility that someone inside OASIS leaked this information, I wouldn't recommend another agent. You're the best chance we have of getting that book to where it needs to go while keeping the princess alive," he said.

"And we have the amulet." Nixie fondled the necklace.

Van der Woodsen paced away, his eyes fixed on the cottage outside the window. "Yes, Amaya told me about it," he said, turning to face her. "I'm sorry, Ms. Fontenot, but your amulet will not be able to protect you in the long run."

I lowered my gaze, having already guessed as much. Legend grabbed Nixie's hand under the workstation table.

An hour later, Director Van der Woodsen left, but his words continued to echo in my head for the remainder of the week. I started Fitz practicing his aim in the backyard. Nixie absorbed what she could, watching her best friend. I knew she wanted to get him back to Arizona as much as I did, but he was adamant about staying, and I was ready to consider that we might need him.

After searching my contacts for agents in the field that I knew personally who might protect our flank, I came to the same conclusion as the director. I trusted no one else with our lives. The book was too alluring for the average person. Van der Woodsen had been blunt:

"By now, each of you realizes that what is being asked of you will push you to your limits. I won't lie to you. The Book of Tides will grant its wielder foreknowledge of every major natural disaster, every world-shaping geopolitical event, every change in the tides of time, and with information like that at one's disposal, anyone would be tempted to use it to manipulate the masses."

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