Chapter 3

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She looked up at me with her violet eyes and smiled showing her perfect white teeth when I notice her canines where sharper and longer different from a normal person. She took a step closer to me; slowly reaching out her hand to touch my cheek but I jerked back before she could even touch me, her smiled quickly replaced with hurt.

"Who are you I don't think we've met before?" I said putting Orhime behind me, her eyes following my ever movement before giving me a playful grin.

"Tell me what you have been doing these past eight years?" she said ignoring my question "It hurts to know you've forgotten about me and got yourself a human girl but it doesn't matter now that I'm back, there's no need for her right Ichigo?" She looked at Orhime sweetly but gave a hateful feeling.

"She's my best friend and if we were together it wouldn't concern you. Now are you going to tell me who you are or not, your kind attracting a lot of attention that I don't want" I informed her my voice coming out a little harsh than I meant it to be but seeing it didn't affect her at all as she laughed. We had gathered a crowd mostly of guys who were taking pictures at the petite girl.

"You never did like the attention Ichigo you were the lone wolf, always following your heart instead of orders. That's what I loved about you"

"Look, if you want to play cosplay that's fine with me go parade around in your costume but don't involve me in it" I shouted catching her off guard, her playfulness disappearing. I turned to grab Orhime's hand and started to march down the street before she could reply.

"Ichigo what if she's a family member of yours? She was speaking to you as if she knew you" she said as I dragged her behind me. She was right but the girl looked crazy just popping out of nowhere and her clothes screamed weirdo, I mean who goes around with almost no shirt on? She had even gathered a crowded just by crossing the street- on second thought maybe I should have taken her to the police station she might get in trouble wearing those clothes.


I can't believe he left me there standing like an idiot and then storming off with the human girl but if he thinks I'm giving up he has another thing coming. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest following them down the street they headed in, having no idea where they were going. The crowd around me had gotten bigger than before following me, taking pictures and trying to ask me questions .I regret having confronted him in public. I didn't even tell Rangiku where I was going so I won't have help if I get into trouble. I looked ahead to see Ichigo arguing with the girl though it looked like he did more of the arguing which meant he was angry. The crowd circled me more pushing and bumping into me.

"Can I get your autograph?"

"Your beautiful marry me!"

"Come over here baby!"

I heard some people from the crowd shout. I whirled around making them jump back away from me.

"Urgh ENGOUGH! I have no interested in what you people want! SO I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed making them move away from me until someone grabbed my wrist pulling me back.


I looked behind me to see a crowd mostly made by guys huddle around something as they whistle and did the dog calling. I was about to ignore it when half of them were thrown onto the street.

"Didn't I tell you humans to LEAVE ME ALONE?"

I followed the voice to see the petite girl in the middle of the huddle she looked mad as she huffed and balled her fists. I cursed under my breath.

"Ichigo we should-"

"Yeah I know. Go home you might get hurt if you stay I'll see you tomorrow"

I told her and pointed towards the subway. She nodded and left hesitantly concern in her face.

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