Chapter 8: Bonfire and Walk in the Woods

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I had never been happier as Leo and I played pick up sticks together. I kept holding my breath whenever I pulled one out, since you couldn't let any of the others move.

"I got it," I breathed a sigh of relief as he took his turn. I envied how effortless he was doing it, but I didn't care who won.

"I actually won this time," I gasped when we got to the end of it. "I can't believe it."

"I'm so happy for you, Julie," he beamed, us laughing together as he jokingly jumped into the air and started cheering for me. Once he was back on the bed in front of me, I started setting up the next game. I jumped when I heard another voice though, my face paling since I feared how this might go.

"Hey, Julie? Is everything okay in here? Your door was kind of open and I heard shouting," my dad remarked, completely stopping when he spotted Leo.

"Hi," Leo simply greeted, my dad already yelling out and grabbing me. He was literally carrying me down the stairs fireman style.

"Dad, it's okay. Leo's not a bad ghost. He's my best friend," I reassured him. My words did get him to stop in the foyer, reluctantly putting me down. He still appeared pretty scared though, and I didn't blame him.

"How long have you known about him?"

"Ever since we moved in," I winced. "I didn't tell you about him, because I knew you might react this way, and Leo said that everyone always ran from him or fainted. He's been lonely for so long."

"When did he, you know," he managed to say as he attempted to process everything.

"He died in the 1800s. He was planning on marrying, Juliet, that ancestor I had you look up. He never got the chance to, because he got pneumonia like Mom."

His face softened at hearing those news, pressing his lips together for a moment. "Can he hurt you or anything?"

"No, and he never would. He's been lonely for nearly 200 years. I'm the first person he's talked since he was alive."

"Maybe I can give him another chance. Where is he?"

"He's probably still up in my room. I'm sure he knew we needed to talk this out. He respects my privacy," I told him.

"Alright, let's go back up there and I'll properly meet him," he decided, us finding Leo sadly pacing my bedroom.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I scare everyone without even trying. I understand if you want to leave now," he expressed, tears swimming in his blue eyes.

"No, I'm sorry for running out like that. I've just never met a ghost before, but Julie's told me how great of a person you are," my dad replied.

"She did?" It was adorable how Leo's face lit up as he stole a glance in my direction.

"Yeah, she did. You're welcome in our home. I'm guessing it was yours originally."

"Yeah, it was my dad's house. I've never lived anywhere else, but I'm glad I never moved now. I never would've met Julie if I did." He was being the sweetest again as we locked eyes for a brief moment.

"So... Do you want to join us for dinner," my dad awkwardly asked.

"Yeah, but I don't eat anymore."

"Oh right. Well, you can still join us. It might make our conversations around the table more interesting."

I kept looking over at Leo was we walked behind my father down the staircase. We just kept sharing special, little smiles, both our faces a bit flushed. It was so cute how Leo kept telling stories about his past fondly, while my dad and I ate our pizza.

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