Phantom Menace; Jar Jar, the underwater city, and the core

Start from the beginning

"Where's TC?" I asked, not seeing her anywhere, "She's safe, She'll meet us at the kingdom with the queen." Obi-wan reassures me, I sigh in relief.

"Let's go, before more droids show up." Qui-gon says, We nod in agreement and were running off. "More? More did you sbay!?" Jar Jar asks in confusion and rising fear, running after us.

"Oh! Wait wait wait!" I say, suddenly remembering something, catching uncle and big brother off guard, almost lost their balance as we stopped.

"I think I know where we can be safe and get there at the same time." I smiled, knowing where we'll go, as Jar Jar catched up and stopped next to me.

"Where?" Obi-wan asked, curious. "The hidden Gungen city. I've researched about Jar Jar's kind and how they live." I reveal, looking at our new friend with a bright smile.

Qui-gon looked at him, "City?" He asked curious if it's true. "Uh-huh." Jar Jar nodded. "Can you and Brielle take us there?" Uncle asked, as he looked at him and me at the same time.

"Uh..." Jar Jar nervously thinks, "On second thought, No I-sa can't, Not really. No, No." He shakes his head. "How come, Jar Jar? What's wrong?" I asked, curiously concerned as Yin is.

"This embarrassing...But..." Jar Jar mumbles, I couldn't clearly understand what he was saying, But it definitely sounds like he was banished, But if he returns, they'll probably do terrible things to him if he goes back.

Then we heard rumbling that sounded like quakes, but it's actually the ships coming from very long miles away, "You hear that?" Uncle asks Jar Jar as his listens through his long fin-like ears, "Yeah?" He says. "That's the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way." Uncle tell him.

"If they find us, They will crush us. Grind us into tiny pieces, and blast us into oblivion. But if they discover little Brielle and her true power, they'll capture her, Sell her to slavery to the Sith, Till they crush her innocent mind to become a Sith herself as she is but a child, still." Obi-wan points out very good points, convincing Jar Jar. Though I do not want my family to die and be enslaved by the Sith.

"Ah. You-sa point is well seen. For Bree-ly, and you all-sa." Jar Jar agrees, understanding the situation. "This way. Hurry!" He says, twirling and then we follow him to where the hidden city may be. Knowing it's underwater from what I've researched.


Now we were at the deep yet foggy parts of the forest with a big lake or ocean on sight. "How much further?" Uncle asks.

"There's no need. It's just out there, Underwater. They don't call the beautiful city 'hidden' for no reason. Yet very clever as well." I smiled, complimenting their work.

"She's-a right. But I might warning you. Gungens no liken outsiders, so, Don' spekt a warm welcome." Jar Jar warns, as he stretches. "Oh, Don't worry. This hasn't been our day for warm welcomes." Obi-wan sighs, Remembering what happened back at the battleship of those cowardly backstabbers.

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