The Crypt of the Codex & Race Against Time

Start from the beginning

Musa call out bloom: "Bloom is our turn." Bloom  her though until "BLOOM!" snap out her

Bloom: "Huh, yes let's do it."

Musa: "She can't be invisible." power up her magic "Sonic wave." throw a magic sonic disk.

Grise: "Enversio Cinosmab." say a magic words and a green cover up her body and sonic disk was break away.

Musa gasp: "He canceled up the sound with an opposing wave."

Stella cheer for bloom: "Come on bloom is all up to you."

Bloom: "Incandescence fear." throw a fire ball at grise who just grab the fire ball.

Grise: "Bloom is that the best you can do." destroyed a fire ball "Your brother fire is much more strong than you."

Tecna: "Professor what kind of spell did you use?" before griselda answer.

Izuku: "She only use defense and reflection spell Tecna-nee." say it from behind them

Winx: "Izuku?!"

Tecna: "I was wondering when are you going to show up?" say in arm cross

Izuku: "Well, here am I and ready for the fight." fly to opposite site of Griselda

Flora: "Fight?"

Grise: "We will fight each other and you all will have to guess what is my weakness in next class lesson." Students grumble "Now watch closely students or you will miss it." look to izuku and nod.

Izuku summon his twin blade and power up his sword with blue fire and ice magic.

Izuku summon his twin blade and power up his sword with blue fire and ice magic

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Izuku sent fire wave and ice wave slash one at a time. Griselda use her barriers absorb and Students cheer for Izuku and not taking the lessons.

Izuku sent one last combine power of fire and ice slash and griselda barriers was destroyed and griselda doge it

Griselda: "Good work Izuku but I have to say your 5 slash was more than enough to break my barrier before but now is 20. " students surprise to hear Izuku can break barrier only 5 slash.

Izuku say in breathless: "S-Sorry Griselda it's look like I'm need to see Faragonda again."

Griselda: "Go on then, I thinks you need it." Izuku nod and fly fast to Faragonda office.

Griselda looked at the students: "Now girls I want you to learned what we have did today and save your question for our next lesson." about to go but stop by winx

Bloom: "Professor, did something happen to my brother?"

Flora: "Yea, he look really tired?"

Griselda: "Why are you asking me a question when you can go find out yourself in Faragonda office." Winx nod and thx griselda and run toward faragonda office. They change back to normal in midway.

Ghost Izuku in Winx Club Season 2Where stories live. Discover now