Chapter 40

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Emma POV

Tomorrow was sooner than I expected but it would take my body 3 days to transition before the blood moon if this worked. I was so nervous I could puke, I looked at Niko he was staring at me and honestly that alone could make me melt. I was interested to know how our bond would work once I became a vampire from what he and Violet to me it would be hard to resist, I was excited I already found him hard to resist.

I can sense him holding back the urge to read my thoughts, I wanted him so badly it hurt but my body was still sore from the last time. I didn't know what was up with him but I felt like he was avoiding me on purpose. "Niko" I said trying to get his attention back to me

"I can't do this" he said and he left the room. I mean his mood swings were unreal, what couldn't he do? Be with me? Watch me die? Like what was it with him the last few days and just walking away. It honestly drove me nuts, I needed to find him, despite him not wanting me I needed him too and I was the one dying tomorrow.

I walked out of the room and I of course had no idea where he went, I walked in the direction of the kitchens. I knew Violet's room was close by as she shared with her mother, and I didn't make it very far before I was stopped.

"You shouldn't be wandering the halls" a boy said, he was human and I felt a bit better about that. "I am looking for Niko" I said, "the prince was just seen leaving the grounds, and if he found out you were wandering along he would kill me" the boy said. "I am not sure who you are but I am not a child and I can do what I want too" I said with authority, "I am Tyler, and you are his pet but he cares for you. I get it and the vampire energy in that room would kill you so please don't go in there" Tyler said. "I am not scared of a bunch of vampires" I said even though I was, "Look Emma I get it okay you are trying to act all brave, but the half-bloods are ruthless and trust me they don't give a shit who you belong too" Tyler said. I thought of Demetri and shuttered, he sensed it, "let me take you back to your room" Tyler said and I nodded as I followed him.

It didn't take long for a voice to appear behind us, "Tyler who is that you are hiding?" a male voice said, "No one Sean" Tyler said he sounded scared, "come on she smells amazing, is she a new cook or something?" this Sean guy asked, "no she is a pet" Tyler said, "Oh so she is free game then?" Sean said, "not unless you want your heart ripped out" Tyler said, "I am not afraid of who her master is let me have a taste" Sean said. I looked to Tyler and then back at Sean he couldn't be serious. I knew Tyler was human but the way he was protecting me made me feel comfortable and I hid behind him. "Move Tyler or I will break your legs" Sean said, "Sorry Sean she is off limits" Tyler said.

Sean was about to go for Tyler when another figure stepped in front, "I suggest you go back to the hole you crawled in from unless you want to be werewolf food" Xander said. "Sorry prince Alexander" Sean said as he walked away he licked his lips as he looked at me, "Emma what the hell?" Xander said. "I was looking for Niko" I said, "and you were looking for him in half-blood territory, you are lucky Tyler was here. Thanks Tyler I have her from here" Xander said and Tyler walked away.

"First I am not familiar with the castle yet and I didn't know this was half-blood territory" I said, "its fine come to my room" Xander said as he pulled me along. I wondered why I needed to go to his room but it was not like I had a choice. This Sean made me feel uneasy and I know he was just trying to protect me. "Hannah you pick a movie for the 2 of you to watch and I will get you snacks" Xander said. "Okay" Hannah said excitedly as she found the remote, Niko's room did not have a TV so I was excited to just relax.

"I will be back Hannah, do not open the door to anyone even if you hear a knock got it?" Xander said. "Yes sir" Hannah said as he opened the door and was handed a tray of snacks, he gave it to Hannah and left. Everyone was leaving these days but regardless Hannah and I settled in to watch a movie together.

Xander POV

The half-bloods in this place needed to be taught their place I was tired of having to defend our pets with them. I hoped when Niko became King he got rid of them a lot of them didn't listen to mom and well I wanted them gone. I was on a mission to find my stubborn ass brother and make him come to his senses. I followed his scent it wasn't hard and I knew where he was and it had been a long time since I had been here.

I sat beside him and he didn't even look up I knew he heard me coming, it was in this moment I wished I had his mind reading ability. "You okay?" I asked, "Fine" he said coldly, "I don't need Rebekah's ability to know you are lying. Since you are sitting here talking to a grave something is up?" I said. "Just fuck off Xander" Niko said to me, "I would love to but I just saved your pet from Sean and I honestly don't think he is going to back down either. She is turning tomorrow dude this is your last chance to spend with her why are you here?" I said.

"Fuck the half-bloods I will rip his heart out later" Niko said, "Okay but you didn't answer my question" I said. "I am fucking scared Xander, I don't want to lose her, I am hoping for some sort of hint that this isn't going to backfire on me. I would rather marry someone I don't love if I could keep her just the way she is. I can't marry someone knowing she as this close and didn't make it" he said. "She will make it I know she will, the bond you two share is deep and our blood-line is strong. Niko she will be fine and you don't need dad to tell you that" I said. "This whole thing has me spiraling I should be with Emma instead of here but I can't" He said, "she is good man she is watching a movie with Hannah. I think you need to talk to Mom she knows better than anyone how this works" I said. "What do you mean?" he said, "just talk to mom she can actually answer you back unlike dad" I said as I stood up and walked away.

I know I gave him something to think about and it didn't take long for him to join me in walking back to the castle.

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