Chapter 5

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Niko POV

I didn't realize that the mention of vaccines would scare her so much, she fainted I caught her and lay her on my bed. I prepared the vaccines, and decided to call Xander I could use his ability even if I hated asking him for help. I called him hoping he was in his room, "Hello" a quiet female voice answered. I knew it was his pet, he allowed his pets to answer the phone, "Hannah is Xander there" I asked. "He is in the shower sir" she said still sounding scared, "have him come see me when he is done please" I said hanging up. I knew Xander would be a bit that boy loved his showers. A knock on my door no way he was that fast, I opened it and saw my sister, I rolled my eyes.

"Don't do that!" she said, "What can I do for you Rebekah?" I said, "I wanted to know if you tasted her yet?" she asked. "No and you aren't going to either" I said, "come on Niko what is the point in a pet if you can't drink them!" Rebekah said. "I never said I wasn't going to drink I just don't want you too" I said, "given how red your eyes are Niko you haven't had real blood in a while and with the blood moon tomorrow you will kill your pet again" she said. "Rebekah if you don't actually need anything please leave" I said. "Niko please I am trying to help you" she said, "you are irritating me" I said as I saw Xander and pulled him inside locking Rebekah out. "What the hell was that?" Xander asked me, "nothing just our nosey sister, I need your help" I said.

"Really the strong brave Niko needs my help?" Xander said, "shut up, look I need you to keep my pet calm" I said. "Can't you just control her?" he asked, "I could but I actually don't want to scare her unlike yours who answered the phone" I said. "Yeah remind me to punish her later" Xander said, "you do what you need to but please just use your ability on her" I said pointing to Emma who was sitting there staring at us. Xander sat beside her, "what is it you are doing?" Xander asked, "getting her up to date on her vaccines, she is afraid of needles" I said, "oh I thought she would be afraid of you" Xander said. "Xander please just shut up and keep her calm" I said annoyed. "Fine" Xander said as he looked at Emma, and she seemed calmer, I cleaned her arm and stuck the needle in her arm. I did this to both arms as she needed two vaccines. "Thank you Xander you can leave now" I said. "Wait Niko, are you going to drink some blood before tomorrow?" he asked me. "I drink blood" I said, "okay but that crap the slaves give us isn't working Niko and if you want to keep your pet alive tomorrow I suggest drinking some real blood" he said as he left the room.

I sighed knowing they were both right, I just hated hurting humans, I called a slave to bring me some blood and some food for Emma. "Are you alright?" I asked Emma, "yes fine" she squeaked out, she looked scared. I handed her a phone, "call your friend Violet she is worried about you, but when you talk to her tell her you are safe" I said.

Emma POV

Was he serious handing me a phone, I didn't hesitate I called Violet, "hello" she said, "Vi" I said, "Emma thank god are you okay?" she asked me, "I am fine, are you?" I asked still staring at Nikolai. "I am good, listen I am trying to come up with a plan to save you" she said, "please don't Violet, I am safe here" I said. "Are you crazy you are living with a vampire!" she screamed in my ear. I swear I saw Niko smirk, "I know that but Violet he is not hurting me" I said, "yet the blood moon is tomorrow and if you even think you will still be alive after that then you are nuts!" she said. "He is different Vi and I really don't want you getting hurt" I said, "I don't want you hurt either I have Luna and Emmett helping me" she said. "Violet please let it go! I will be fine, and I don't want you to help me" I said a little angry. "Why are you saying this? Is he forcing you too?" she said. "No one is forcing me to do anything, please just let me go" I said as I hung up. 

"That was something" Niko said, "sorry sir" I said, "please call me Niko and you could have said anything you wanted to her. Why did you choose to say that?" he said, "I figured taking my chances with you is better than all the other vampires" she said, "right" he said as there was a knock on the door. He opened it to the young boy who brought me breakfast earlier, he had a bottle of red liquid I assumed it was blood and a sandwich. 

"Thank you Tyler" Niko said, as he closed the door and handed me the sandwich, "eat" he said as he downed the blood. Was that really going to be enough, I noticed his eyes and they turned a little green, but they still had the red rim. "Are your eyes green?" I asked, "yes they are but they haven't been green in a while" he said. "Why?" I asked kicking myself for asking, "I don't drink from humans not since I killed my last pet" he said. "How long ago was that?" I asked, my god Emma stop. " 9 months ago" he said, "oh but how do you survive the blood moon?" I asked, why was I being so nosey. "Emma, I manage now eat" he said with so much authority that I ate the sandwich.

Niko POV

She was asking me a lot of questions, I knew if she was in the same room as me during the blood moon I wouldn't be able to handle it. I needed to figure something out, ugh that blood wasn't enough. I needed to go see my mother she would know what I would need to do, I left without saying anything. I knew she wasn't going anywhere.

I knocked on my mom's door, she said come in so quiet, "Niko" she said, "hi mom" I said as I sat beside her. "Are you doing okay?" she asked she always knew when something was on my mind. "Mom I am struggling with the blood moon" I said, "because you have a new pet, Niko you are the one in control and you need the blood. I see it in your eyes it has been a while since I have seen the beautiful green" she said. "I know but the last pet I wasn't able to stop" I said, "Niko you have the will, and your ability you can use it on yourself you just choose not too" she said. "Ugh" I said, "Niko are you any closer to finding a wife?" my mom asked, "I am trying mom, but I am not exactly finding anyone that appeals to me" I said. "You are stubborn and don't let anyone in, Niko please I don't want the kingdom to fall apart" she said. "Okay I will try mom" I said kissing her. "Did you get the stuff done I asked" she said, "yes I did" I said, "good thank you" she said and I left the room.

She was getting weaker and I knew I needed to find someone soon, ugh I wish the vampire girls in Ravenswood were decent. I mean they were beautiful but they were stuck up and really annoying as they all tried way to hard. I thought about going outside of Ravenswood but the further out the more annoying the vampires became.

I headed back to my room, grabbing more blood from the slaves along the way, my sister saw me and rolled her eyes. I silenced her before she could say anything, "don't say anything" I said and she glared at me I knew that was her way of saying you suck! I laughed as I downed the blood and went back to my room. 

Life as a pet: surviving in a supernatural worldDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora