Chapter Forty One

Start from the beginning

"You're welcome Layla." I said despite the kid not paying attention to me any longer. "You don't want me to spoil her, but how can I not when I get hugs?"

"Don't spoil her more, she's already spoiled by everyone that's in her life." Jessie stood up to grab my hand and guide me to sit on the couch with her as Layla kept playing on the floor—too immersed in her own world.

"It's what she deserves—nothing less. Besides you are a good mom Jess, I'm sure you'll make sure she won't grow up to be a brat." She looked down with a shy smile as she played with my hands.

I leaned and pecked her neck, "I love when you get shy and flustered."

Jessie rolled her eyes, "Behave yourself."

"Yes ma'am." I kissed her cheek quickly and leaned against the couch. "So... I'm mom's friend?"

"Well you are my friend."

"But I don't want to be your friend... at least not just your friend." I intertwined my hand with her's. "I don't want to push you though."

"You aren't, I want that too it's just going to take a while for us to get there... but I know we will." Jessie stared into my eyes.

"Step by step." I muttered.

"Step by step."

I moved closer to her, "You are it for me Jessica, there's no one else and there won't be anyone else. I tried it and failed, you were the only constant in my mind during all this time."

"You are hard to get over Kade, impossible to if I'm being honest. I just hoped that one day I would have the enough courage to reach out to you again." She smiled at me.

"Well it looks like fate saved us from being the one to reach to the other first."

"It did." Jessie looked between me and her daughter. "I'm going to make dinner, do you want to stay for it?"

"I would love nothing more."

Jessie stood up from the couch, "Can you watch her while I cook?"

"Of course." I kissed the back of her hand.

Jessie pursed her lips trying to contain a smile. "Thank you."

I hummed as I watched her walk away to the connected kitchen. I turned to look at Layla who was struggling to open the box of the Lego set.

"Here let me help." I took the box and opened it for her. "You like legos?" I asked a question with an obvious answer.

"Yes, but I like Barbie more." She showed me her mermaid Barbie.

I took mental note of that.

"How old are you Layla?" I asked as I helped her with her Lego set.

She held out two fingers up, "Soon I will be three!"


"Daddy said he would buy me the Barbie mansion!"

We'll see who buys it first Patrick.

It took Jessie almost an hour to have the dinner ready, but it was a good time to get to know the toddler better. It seems she wasn't just a fan of Barbie and Lego, but also big fan of Paw Patrol and Wonder Woman.

When it was time to eat we all sat at the dinner table and Layla kept the conversation on going, talking to her mom about everything that crossed her mind. She would ask me something every now and then and it would be the most random questions.

Jessie has raised one smart kid.

After dinner I had offered to clean up and wash dishes while Jessie gave Layla a bath and took her to bed afterwards.

I could get used to this life. I wanted to be able to share this life with Jessie at some point, slowly build a relationship with her till we got to this point. Marrying her one day... the kids, the house with the white fence and a dog, all of it.

I want it all with her and only her.

I waited on the couch for Jessie to be back as I texted to Morgan and Jason. They were already planning our vacation, they were adamant on the three of us including our families to spend vacation together every summer.

It was still a long way for that but they wanted to start planning it now, they want us to have a tradition.

"Sorry she took a while to go to sleep." Jessie said walking down the stairs.

I stood up from the couch and met her half way, "Don't worry."

"Are you leaving?"

I nodded, "I should get going and you should rest."

Jessie pouted, "But we didn't get any alone time."

"That's why I wanted to ask you out on a date." I grabbed her hands.

"A date date?"

"Yes, whenever you are free... if you want to of course." I swung or hands side to side lightly, a bit nervous about her possible answer.

"I would love to. Layla is staying with her dad this weekend so I'm free on Friday." Jessie looked up at me.

"Perfect, I'll come pick you up. It's a date." I couldn't contain my smile.

"It's a date... I'll walk you to the door then?" Jessie asked with an adorable smile mirroring mine.

I nodded again and walked hand in hand with her.

Standing now on the other side of her door we said everything but goodbye to each other.

"Goodnight Jess, I'll see you on Friday."

"Night Kaden, text me when you get home, okay?"

"Yes ma'am." I saluted her jokingly, earning a playful push on the shoulder from her.

"Bye then..." she looked at me expectingly and I took a step back.

"Right, bye."

Jessie closed the door and I began to walk to the elevator... before I heard it open up again and turned around.

Jessie pecked me on the lips quickly and went back to her doorstep all in a flash. "Now you can go."

"Bye." I muttered in a daze—feeling my cheeks warm up at the gesture, I walked backwards towards the elevator—not letting her out of my sight until I entered it and the door closed.

God I missed her.

A/N - Sorry this took a while but I always get a bit stuck with the endings. Only one more chapter and the epilogue left!


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