"I will never give up!" With each vibration of the guitar strings, countless souls flickered in response to William's song. These specks of warmth did not approach him as Burdock's soul had, but neither did they shy away from him or rush to bind themselves to the Whole's blazing soul. Though they were obeying the Whole's commands, they were still acting of their own free will.

One rat refused to join in the assault. Burdock stood between William and the Piper with his fur bristling and his tail lashing. "You swore you would not force him if he did not wish to join us," he said. "There are many others who have submitted themselves to us willingly. Could we not use one of them instead?"

"Have you trained any of the others to play the Hymn?" After Burdock confirmed he had not, the Piper's whole body quivered with the force of the rats writhing inside him, doubling over even as he continued playing the flute flawlessly. "Then you know full well how difficult it would be to suit our needs."

"But given time—"

"We have no time!" The Whole's voice lowered to a snarl so fearsome that Burdock shrank back with his ears pressed tightly against his head. "We must firmly secure our control over the Many before winter comes, or else all our efforts to save them from starvation will be for nothing. As for this human you have grown so fond of, you are to blame for giving us no other choice. His command of the Hymn has grown far too great to be anything other than a threat should we let him go free."

"Perhaps we could let him have control every now and again?" Burdock said. "He has worked so hard for what he believes would be best for his loved ones. If we allotted time for him to be free to enjoy his sister's company, perhaps he would be willing to surrender."

"Never!" The thought of only being able to see Emma when the rats allowed him to filled William's playing with that much more determination to win her freedom, pulling the rats' flickering souls closer to him.

"I am trying to help you," Burdock hissed. "The Whole has had countless lifetimes to hone the Hymn. They are far too powerful for you to defeat alone."

"I don't have to be alone," William said firmly. "A wise rat once told me that an individual who poisons the group ought to be cast out. Is the Whole not poisoning the Many by ruling through fear and binding rats and humans together regardless of what they want?"

The Whole laughed. "We are merely acting in their best interests. The Many would not survive without us, for we provide for them in ways they could never do for themselves."

"You sound like my father," William said. His grip on the guitar tightened. No wonder Burdock was so desperate to please the Whole.

The Whole ignored him, their words aimed solely at Burdock. "You have thoroughly disappointed me, pup. Your foolishness nearly doomed the Many. Despite your folly, we may yet allow you to join us if you aid us in defeating this human."

Burdock cast his gaze to his paws. "I will not."

Hissing ripped through the Piper's seething abdomen. "Then get out of the way!"

The Piper's foot lashed out. Burdock squeaked in pain as he slammed into the wall.

"Leave him alone!" The same burning anger that had filled his veins with molten metal when Father struck Emma sent his fingers surging across the strings in a sharp staccato. Muffled screams penetrated the curtain as his song tore through the bonds that bound humans and rats together.

"Meddlesome human." The Piper played a long, shrill note before filling the air with a noise that was more shriek than song.

Sickening thuds filled the church as bodies fell to the floor. Thrashing limbs pushed the curtain aside just long enough for William to behold what the Piper had wrought.

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