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Chuuya and Verlaine were driving towards the ginger's new school, there was a clear frown on his face as he looked dreamily out of the window.

"Are you excited Chuuya? It sounds like a good school!"

"Of course not,  it's school, how can I be excited? It's literally impossible!"

"Now Chuuya doesn't act like that, the Yokohama college for the gifted and talented is well known for raising incredible children that make it big in the world, to be honest I was surprised when your teacher recommended you! Who would have thought my baby brother's not a baby anymore! How time flies!"

"Yeah whatever just keep your eyes on the rode I don't want to die before I get there,"

"Hey it's not like your going to be alone you'll be with Yuan and Shirase they'll surely take care of you,"


These light conversations between the brothers went on for another 2 hours until they finally reached the school.

Chuuya first went in to collect his number from the front desk:


The women gave Chuuya a sad look and some words of encouragement.

'Good luck?' Why would I need good luck, thought the boy as the siblings unloaded the car of Chuuya's boxes. Considering that Chuuya didn't want to bring much, he only had a few boxes so they were able to bring it all together. Chuuya was not prepared for the site he saw when he opened that door, sure he was prepared for a mental breakdown and the 'mysterious' murder of a teacher but this, this couldn't be prepared for.

"All mother of all things holy what on earth?!!"

The poor boy was terrified to death, you could practically see his soul leaving his body, behind him Verlaine gawked at the scene in front of him.

A tall lanky brunette boy covered in bandages hung from the ceiling, he was quite literally hanging himself! I mean school is bad but it couldn't be that bad! Could it?

"What the hell is he still alive?" Questioned Verlaine, finally waking out of his trance.

"Sadly," the boy said," annoyingly I didn't succeed and the rope was too loose so I'm just kind of hanging here now, it's quite painful actually. I assume you're my new roommate," he said, speaking to the blond. "You're a bit old aren't you?"

"Actually my brother is this is chuuya, say hi chuuya,"


"You're extremely short I can barely see you from up here,"

"Hahaha Paul cut that rope!"

"Now now I'm not going to cut your new roommate down, if he wants to die he can I won't judge,"

Chuuya right, Hi!"

"Extremely but that's not the point, why the hell are you trying to kill yourself in here you'll stink up the whole room with your corps!"

"Awwww you're caring for me sorry I don't have any interest in guys!"

"Ha yeah okay,"

"Well it was nice meeting you Dazai but I should really get going bye Chu-chu!"

"Bye Paul see you soon," he then slammed the door as soon as Verlaine had left.

"Not interested in guys huh?"

"Not many,"

"Why are you here?"

"It's school Chuuya I'm legally forced to be here,"

"Why are you here in my dorm room?"

"I may have tweaked the dorm layout so I could get this room,"

"May? Okay but why?"

"Why wouldn't a man want to live with his fiancé?"

"Dazai we've been engaged for only 8 months, we haven't been on a single date!"

"Do you want to go on a date?"

"I don't know, I barely even know you and I'm going to be marrying you when we turn 19,"

"Hmmmmm I understand yes yes yes we will go on a date!"

"We have school dumba*s,"

"Who cares we're rich give them some money and they won't say anything,"

"You're terrible," Chuuya shook his head disappointedly.

"Only for you darling!"


"Only for you-"

"You've said that already,"




"What did you call me?"


"Nothing eh, sure?"


"Ugh, why me?!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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