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Dazai sat in the wing overlooking the audience waiting for the auction to begin. It was an evening like no other when the reunion of double black took place. The area of which it took place was just like any other action house, rows and rows of people believing they had a chance at high priced items only to win the scraps that the rich found uninteresting. The 22 year old sat with his legs crossed and hands in his lap, he was wearing a majestic suit that emphasised his honey brown eyes and his hair was tucked behind one ear. Truly one beautiful man. The sudden noise of footsteps caught his attention as they gradually got louder and closer until it suddenly stopped.

"Chuuya long time no see! How are you?"

"I'm alright Dazai, I didn't realise you'd taken up an interest in auctions. I remember you clearly stating you hated them full heartedly saying ' they're a curse on society!' Exactly those words," the ginger walked closer to Dazai, swirling his glass of wine in his hand and leaning on the side of the man's chair.

Dazai's eyes travelled across the room to ogle at Chuuya, his heart almost jumping out of his chest. He had certainly grown to be a gorgeous man just like he had promised long ago, not that Dazai ever doubted it but he did take pleasure in trading him about it. His locks of ginger hair were tied back into a high ponytail and some excess strands had fallen over his dazzling blue eyes. He resisted the urge to reach out and hide them behind his ear. He was truly something any man or woman would dream of. 'How alluring,' he thought.

"Well people change don't they, but I know for certain you're a small as ever slug!" Smirked the brunette.

"Why you!" Flared the ginger, his eyes becoming darker.

"Hush dog, the auctions started, sit and be good!"

The ginger was clearly angered by this but nevertheless did as he was told sitting in the chair right next to Dazai.

As items were shown and sold time flew past and the alcoholic was left boarded.

"What are you even looking for?" He asked, his voice dripping with annoyance.

"A specific item, here entertain yourself by guessing what it is!" He tossed the booklet over onto Chuuya's lap," although since you're so dimwitted I doubt you'll be able to!"


"Awww my Chibi's so cute!" He flicked the other's nose, earning a few blinks and a suddenly angry man. "Ahhh help I'm being attacked by a small chihuahua!"

"A chihuahua my a*s! I'm more of a golden retriever if anything you slimy fish!"

"Tsk tsk carry on with your homework boy you won't get anywhere in life with that attitude!" Dazai waved his hand slightly up and down only to get grabbed by the collar, "oh Chuuya not right now, at least not here, you're so obsessed with me aren't you wanting me in your bed again so quick such an attention seeking bottom!" He ran his hand down the boy's disgusted red face.

"Obsessed? No! All knowing? probably! But what I have figured out is that you want item 109 the emerald tiger! What for though?"

"Wow you actually figured it out! I'm surprised! Other than the fact that it's carved from emerald, it's also little Atsushi-kun's birthday soon and I would like to give him this. There's no way Kunikida will give him a better gift than me, I will win this year's sucker!"

"Aww how old is he turning?"

They were both infatuated with Atsushi, a true treasure. Although it has been quite a few years since Chuuya had laid eyes on his friend, the ginger still found him to be a close ally. Whereas Dazai has seen him on a daily basis due to him and his awesome hair being his second in command and has yet to become annoyed with him yet.

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