Tailor Made Love (part two)

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God what an idiot Shoto is. 

It had been a whole two months of clothes. Of walking down a runway with the tightest shoes on, squishing his feet from just how brand new they were. Not to mention the rather tight shirts he wore too. I mean, he wore an xL, surprise surprise, but they had made him wear a medium. It wasn't the worst, just rather harsh on his muscles. I mean, he didn't go to the gym twice a week for nothing. 

However, today, was finally the day. After weeks upon weeks of just walking and testing out new clothing and makeup options, he was finally going down the runway for real. Tomorrow was the set date, at exactly 5 am he would arrive along with all the other models and finally give it a go. 

Though, that also meant another meeting with the world famous, and biggest pain in his ass, Vox Akuma. 

So, Shoto fixed his new jacket he had recently bought after being paid, and marched his ass right on up to Vox's office, the soft patter of his footsteps as he did so. 

Once arriving, opening the doors with a bit of a dramatic entrance, Vox had looked up from the piles upon piles of paperwork he had been working on. Being a fashion designer was no easy task, after all, bunches of paperwork were usually involved. Mostly contracts, clothing sizes, fabrics needed, you get the deal. But oh, once he saw Shoto, his eyes lit up almost with that little sparkle he gets every time he sees him. He smiled as Shoto walked to his desk, hands in his pockets as he huffed. 

"Oh hush milord, I am just here for some outfit testing. Stuff the team has finally decided on for me and wants me to try on." Shoto said, shooting him a non-hateful glare, making Vox let out one of his famous deep chuckles. "Of course of course my boy, right this way." Vox said, flashing him a good natured smile as he got up, the chair ever so slightly gliding against the hardwood floor as he got up, making his way over to the closet. As Vox sifted through the many clothes in there, all ranging in color, Shoto couldn't help but get a good look at him. I mean, have you seen the guy?

The long, almost silky hair of his tucked back into a half ponytail, his golden eyes always shining when the light hits them just at the right angle, and that beautiful smile of his. The pearly whites that would knock anyone off their feet. Shoto had to admit, he was kind of into him after their constant banters or playful shoving. Hell, in just about a week they had grown closer than most. Even Uki, one of the models, commented on it, playfully teasing Shoto about how jealous he was that Shoto got to have all of the mans attention. Not like he could complain much, he got to have all of Fulgur's attention, a super talented tattoo artist, ironic enough with his prosthetic limbs. 

But as Shoto was checking Vox out as secretly as he could, Vox on the other hand was grinning the whole time. He even put on a show for him, making sure to properly arch his back when reaching lower items that had Shoto a near stuttering mess, or when he used his teeth to unzip something. That got Shoto's wheels going haywire, forcing him to look away. Damn those sharp teeth. 

Just as he was cursing the gods above for giving him such a teasing but perfect man, Vox had stood up with the clothes, giving Shoto a smile as he walked over, gently handing them over. "Here, would you like me to turn away?" Vox offered, using a more gentle tone when saying that. The man knew to give privacy, after all. When Shoto, a bit stunned, nodded, Vox had calmly turned around and covered his eyes, letting Shoto know there was absolutely no funny business involved. 

That seemed to have convinced him, even made him smile warmly as he calmly turned around himself and took off his coat, neatly putting it on the back of a chair, not wanting to clutter up Vox's already mess of a work office. No hate, of course. He was no better. 

Shoto then unbuttoned his collared shirt, sliding it off his arms and setting it down as well, finally making his way down to his pants. After he had discarded of those and his shoes, he got to work. He put on every layer, every buckle, and every piece of jewelry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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