Two Hearts Meet

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It was a lazy kind of morning. I mean, with Vox it was always laid back and relaxing. But today, he was as bored as Ike at a party. In key terms, very bored.

His entire schedule was free, so he had really nothing to do, since it was a free day for him.

That's when an idea suddenly hit him. Shoto! His adorable dog boy of a boyfriend had just finished a stream, so why not? He then carefully got up off of his perfectly made bed then walked over to his set up, sitting down in his black and red gaming chair, flattening his already wild bed head before hopping on Discord.

As soon as he did, the little circle besides Shoto's profile picture changed from Do Not Disturb to Online. Perfect. Seems like they both were rather bored when getting on at this time. Vox was then quick to act, clicking on Shoto's profile and hitting the call button, cracking open a cold can of monster energy with a satisfied hum, taking a few sips from it. That's when he heard the familiar sound of the purple haired boy accepting the call, causing a smile to form on the demon's face.

"Vox? What's up?" Shoto asked, his voice a bit groggy from just waking up after a much needed nap. "Shoto, my sweet boy. I was hoping maybe we could play some Valorant together? Just the two of us? I think I need some more training and who better to ask then the demon slayer himself?" Vox asked in an almost hopeful tone, making Shoto smile behind his screen, faking an annoyed sigh. "I suppose, since you're obviously so bad at it." Shoto teased, already booting up Valorant however. Vox on his end nearly melted with happiness, he was going to die of boredom if it wasn't for Shoto. "Thank god. And I am not bad, you were the one last time apparently, what was it? Cock warming me? Hm." Vox teased. Shoto laughed at the memory, his face a light red from slight embarrassment. "Shut up you damn demon and get on!" Shoto said. "Yes, sir." Vox hummed.

About an hour later, Shoto had suddenly gotten a call. Thankfully, they were only in the lobby for now, so he was quick to check who it was. "Ah- Hang on for a second Vox, Uki is calling me." Shoto said, Vox coming to a stop with a rant about a funny monkey picture on the internet, smiling soon after. "Take you're time sweet boy." Vox said, Shoto smiling softly before muting and answering the call.

"Uki? What's up?" Shoto asked. "Hey Shoto babes, so I've just received some news." Uki said, smiling as he had the phone on speaker while he did his usual skin care routine. "Well? What is it? Please don't tell me you finally kissed Fulgur." Shoto said, suddenly intrigued but about to be disgusted if it was. "Come on, you know me. Fulgur would be the first to announce, not me. The stargazers have enough fan service as it is." Uki joked with a small chuckle, wiping off his eyeliner and mascara. Shoto can be heard a bit far away laughing, coming back holding a drink from his mini fridge. "Fair point. So what is it?" Shoto asked as he sat down and cracked the can open, taking a sip.

"So, Fulgur has made me and you a very fun offer. You know how he's gonna have a collab with Mysta in person?" Uki asked, Shoto nodding as he took another sip. "Well, he's offered to bring us along to meet everyone. Shu is gonna be there because of Luca going to see Mysta and he's tagging along, and Vox will be there as well. What do you say?" Uki asked as he had his hair pulled back and was now applying some skin care products on.

Shoto on the other hand was in pure shock, his eyes going wide. "...WHAT?!" Shoto shouted, making Uki let out a small yelp of surprise, groaning after. "Bitch, you're gonna make me go deaf!" Uki complained. "Sorry, but what?! I'm going to see all of them?! Luca, Shu, Fulgur?" Shoto asked, making Uki giggle. "Yuuup~ and you're little demon boyfriend as well." Uki teased, making Shoto blush. His boyfriend..he really was gonna see Vox, in person. The man he's been dating for a year. He'd finally see him. "Shoto, you've gone awfully quiet~ Don't be getting any dirty ideas~" Uki teased with a small grin, Shoto on the other hand sputtering before ending it with a groan. "Shut up." Was all he said, making Uki let out that soft and honey laugh as he applied some other things to his face.

"So, we're really going to see them?" Shoto asked. "Pack your bags tonight. We're meeting them in a few days. Everything's already paid for. See you later babes." Was all Uki said before he hung up, leaving Shoto there, dumbfounded. Well, guess he should probably pack right about now. Oh shit- he didn't even have a suitcase!

Finally. It was the day. Shoto and Uki had both met up at the airport, Shoto practically bouncing with excitement as they got on their plane. Shoto decided to have the window seat while Uki took the other right beside him, sitting down and immediately putting on an eye mask and laying back, Shoto chuckling at how he was already out like a light when Shoto was beyond nervous right now. Just the thought of Vox, seeing the demon in person. It was doing /so/ many things to him.


The demon's voice rang out in his ears, making him groan as he took out his phone, took a picture of the clouds, then shut his phone off since he really had no use for it.

Guess he should try and sleep now. Would make this stupid seven hour flight go by faster. Whether that was a good thing or not, he had no idea. So, instead of thinking, he just slept.


"Shoto! Shoto wake up!" Uki said as he smacked him right on the face, making Shoto wake up with a start, his eyes wide before glaring at the male. "Don't hit me!" Shoto gripped, making Uki roll his eyes. "Calm down pup, we're here." Uki said, motioning for him to get up as he did, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Shoto then gasped, quickly catching on and grabbed his bag as well, following him out of the plane and into the airport.

Almost immediately did they see both Ike and Fulgur, Uki's eyes going wide at the sight of his soon to be boyfriend, immediately rushing over, hugging the teary eyed cyborg so tightly he almost had his back popped. Ike on the other hand was quick to go to Shoto, the two laughing as they hugged. "Shoto! Gosh, it's so good to see you!" Ike said, Shoto giggling. "You too! Jesus man you've grown!" Shoto pointed out. "Nah, it's just the heels! Don't let him fool you!" Fulgur called out, Ike looking back at him and glaring. "You damn cyborg!" Ike shouted, then all four of them laughed as Fulgur walked over, giving Shoto a quick hug as Uki hugged Ike.

"Well, let's stop standing around and let's go get to Vox's place! I only told him me and Fuufuuchan were coming over so he has no idea about you two! Neither does Luca or Shu!" Ike said with a mischievous novelist grin, happily leading them to his car. 'Oh boy..' Shoto thought as he followed the group.

Soon enough, the four had finally arrived to the house. "Alright, you two will stay a little bit behind, okay? So Vox and Luca will see you guys faster!" Ike said, the two nodding before they got out and walked up, Ike and Fulgur knocking on the door while Shoto stayed back with Uki, holding his breath. Oh God, what was Vox going to think when he saw him? Would he be mad? Upset he didn't tell him? This man was so unpredictable sometimes! Shoto had no idea!

That's when the door slowly creaked open..

And there stood Vox, his eyes falling onto Ike, about to greet him till he only looked up a bit and saw the man before him, his boyfriend, his eyes going wide as Ike snickered. "Hello to you too Vox. Come on Fulgur!" Ike said, inviting himself in as well as Fulgur, Uki following so the two could have their moment, him sneakily giving Shoto a thumbs up as he walked inside.

Shoto on the other hand had his eyes wide as he gazed at his tall statue of a boyfriend, shifting nervously. "V-Vox..! Hey!" Was all Shoto could muster to say. But Vox was already two steps ahead of him. He was already down the steps and running to Shoto, and Shoto's brain told him nothing more, only run in his arms. And that's what he did. He immediately ran over to Vox and let the tall demon engulf him in a bone crushing bear (Or should I say demon) hug, squeezing him tightly. Shoto hugged him back just as tightly, his eyes closed tightly as he held onto him, challenging those tears to escape. And they did. Shoto sobbed happily into his shoulder as Vox held him, one hand on the back of his head and the other on his lower back, his own tears running down his face as he hugged him.

After a good thirty minutes, the two finally pulled away, Vox gently gripping the sides of Shoto's face as he gazed at him, his eyes wide and slightly pink from the tears as he gazed at Shoto's slightly red, tear filled eyes. Shoto finally managed to talk as he gently put his hands over Vox's. "'s really you." Shoto whispered, Vox giving him a nod, his shocked expression turning into a softer one. "I-It's me, my sweet boy." Was all Vox had to say to make the two start crying once again as they held onto each other.

Soon enough though, Luca and Shu appeared in the doorway, then gasped when they saw Shoto. Luca was the first to react. "Sho!" Was all he shouted as he ran over, Shu following after him. Luca then tackled Shoto in a hug once Vox pulled away, hugging him tightly. "Shoto! You're really here!" Shu said as he joined the hug, the three laughing as Vox stood by, chuckling to himself.

"Hey you guys, I'm here! Is Mysta here? I still owe that man a proper hello!" Shoto said, making Shu laugh. "Oh he's here alright. And he's probably watching us from the window and fuming." Shu joked. Right then though Vox cleared his throat. "Well, before you give my rouge off to the fox, mind if I steal him for a second?" The man asked, Shu nodding. "Sure man! He's all yours! Let's go get that spare room set up for you two." Shu said, pulling Luca away from Shoto so he'd stop hugging him, walking back into the house.

Vox then happily took Shoto by the hand, pulling him in close and smiling. "Hello there." Vox said in that sweet yet enchanting tone, making Shoto blush and smile as he wrapped his arms around his neck, Vox wrapping his around his waist. "Hello to you too." Shoto whispered as he gazed at him. "You know..we're alone now.." Vox whispered, his face inching closer to his. "Yeah?" Shoto whispered. "Yeah.." was all Vox had to say before their lips finally crashed together in a loving and tender kiss, nearly making Shoto's knees buckle as he frantically held onto him, Vox thankfully holding him close by the small of his back, closing his eyes as he kissed him.

The kiss almost felt like pure heaven mixed with all the sweets he's ever had. It was as magical as magic can get. It was paradise. He wanted to kiss Vox forever. He never wanted to pull away. But eventually, they did. They were both running out of breath and clearly needed to part, so as they gazed at each other they smiled, Shoto then leaning in and planting gentle kisses all along Vox's face and neck, even his shoulder as Vox gently held the boy close, chuckling softly at them all. "My boy, I'm so happy you're here.." Vox whispered as Shoto nodded. "Me too. I hope you like your surprise." Shoto whispered, making Vox laugh. "Like it? Please, I love it!" Vox said as he picked Shoto up from around his waist and spun around, the two laughing as Shoto held onto him tightly as if to beg him to not let him go with simply a grip. Vox would never dream of letting Shoto go. Not now, not ever.

"Alright alright, I think it's time we head inside. I should show you to our room." Vox said as he sat Shoto down. "Good idea, Jet lag is seriously getting to me." Shoto joked. Vox smiled. "Then come on." Vox said as he gently took Shoto's hand, happily leading the guild leader inside. Shoto was more that happy to follow, just gently holding his hand as he walked in, the scents and feelings of the home flooding him, making him smile. He was finally home, with everyone else right beside him. 

Shoto and Vox spent the rest of the time together unpacking Shoto's bags and helping make dinner. That night the whole crew had Luca's famous fried rice with Ike's homemade blueberry iced tea. It made Shoto feel so happy just to be able to enjoy these little things, especially with his boyfriend of a demon, Vox. 

After a fun evening of board games, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Uno, Vox and Shoto finally decided to hit the hay. Shoto was the first in the bathroom, taking a shower to get all the sweat and grime off him. Once he was done and nicely dressed in his pajamas, he let Vox take over the bathroom as he laid down in the bed, happily scrolling through Twitter and just liking whatever he saw interesting. Were some of them dog videos? Maybe. 

Anyways, once Vox was done he calmly walked in, the leftover scent of pinewood and rosemary left on him as he walked over to Shoto, wearing matching pajamas with him. It was a gift from Vox, so of course they were going to wear it together on their first night of being together. After he got into the bed, Shoto nearly threw his phone as he scrambled to cuddle with Vox, burying his face in his chest with a smile, holding onto him. "Well, I take it as we're having cuddles tonight?" Vox asked in a playful tone, making Shoto snicker. "Of course. Like I can say no to some good demon warmth." Shoto joked, Vox laughing softly as he wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. "Goodnight, my rouge. Sleep well, okay? Tomorrow we'll have my famous pancakes I always talked to you about." Vox whispered, his voice laced with clear tiredness but adoration for the boy in his arms. "The ones shaped like monkeys?" Shoto asked with a smile. "Of course, what else would they be shaped as?" Vox joked, making him laugh. 

"Goodnight, dear." Shoto whispered, slowly drifting off to sleep as he held onto him, his grip never loosening as sleep filled his mind, it covering him like a warm blanket. Vox on the other hand smiled as he watched the boy fall asleep, gently leaning down to apply a soft kiss to his forehead, then went back up to nuzzle into his hair, closing his eyes. 

"Goodnight, darling." Vox whispered.

Looks like the two would have more adventures awaiting them tomorrow. 

Now that their two hearts were finally







Word count: 2,645

Sorry it's a short one you guys! I'm like dead tired. But enjoy! I can't wait to make some more for all of you quite soon. ♡

𝖡𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 - 𝖵𝗈𝗑𝗍𝗈 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now