Stay with me

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Vox was a demon, through and through. He did the devilish deeds of one, and never regretted it. He captured, he killed, but most of all, he ruled. 

Yes, this demon had quite the knack of taking over kingdoms, slaughtering their men and women, and leaving without a trace, right back to his. 

Now, Vox's kingdom was something else. It was one no one dared escaped, nor entered. The souls of the ones he killed roamed the place, though not looking miserable whatsoever. This was just the villages inside the kingdom. But before we get onto the kingdom itself, let's get to know our ruler first. 

Vox Akuma. His name translating to 'Voice Demon'. He's a 1600 demon, and is roughly 400 years old. Now, you might be asking what exactly a voice demon is. Well, allow me to enlighten you. A voice demon is someone who can control with just their voice. A simple lullaby could put thousands to sleep. A command could make a whole army march forward without a second thought. Even a small flirt could send millions swooning. This is why voice demons were such a rare occurrence. They were just too powerful. Vox knew he was powerful, and he put it to good use. 

When he first arrived to the kingdom, he was weak. His family and his own brother, Box, sentenced him away and left him with nothing but a forever damaged heart and a will to live and show them just how strong of a man he truly could be. So he set out, looking far and wide for his own kingdom. He had finally captured it not long after, defeating the great Tokugawa Leyasu and taking over the kingdom, Osaka Castle. He was feared by everyone, maybe even death himself at this point. He could kill you with a single whistle, and everyone knew. As long as they did as they were told and honored Vox, he protected and cared for them as best as he could. Everyone followed this rule. Everyone but one. 

This one? This one goes by the name Shoto. He never had a last name. Never needed one. Not after everything was taken from him, however. But, allow me to start from the beginning. 

Shoto was a young boy, born and raised to be the one demon slayer to defeat them all. The chosen one per say. And he took that job with heart, training till he was near collapsing from how much he trained. But he kept going, wanting nothing but every demon gone and to protect his own village. However, the second part was much harder than it sounded. One night, a cold and damp night, while everyone else was sleeping peacefully, demons arose. They stormed the village, killing everyone on sight, and burned the place to the ground. They succeeded, killing everyone..but one. Shoto. He stood there, gazing into the flames, his hatred for the demons burning higher and higher like the flames before him. And ever since that day, he swore on his own grave, he would rid of any demon that dare to cross his path with his Yari. (You should look up that weapon, it's pretty neat looking!)

Around 12 years later, and Shoto had grown into a fine young man. He settled at around 20, scaring littering his body from the massive amounts of fights he's gotten into. But did he see those scars as to be hated or despised? No, he saw them as a fight between a demon, and he won. They made him feel proud, and he flaunted them any chance he could get. But enough of that. You see, Shoto here was on a mission. Can you guess what? If you guessed to finally kill the one demon named Vox, well, you guessed right! Now sit back and relax, cause this will get bumpy. 

Shoto, the tall and determined dark purple haired man, was walking down the dirt path in only his usual turtleneck, jacket, and pants. He had the hood drawn up, as to not alarm people of who he is or where he was going. Beyond the clothes however, he had many tricks up his sleeve. Daggers covered his left thigh in a dagger holder. He kept a few other weapons on his legs and one in his sleeve, and a few ninja stars as well, but the most important ones of all, his demon slaying knife, was hidden in his sleeve so he could use it as any given moment. Made with the finest metals, and enhanced with only the best kind of magic to insure a clean kill. Both effective, and Shoto thought it was undeniably pretty. Almost too pretty for any simple mortal to hold in the palm of their hands. It was made for him, and those pesky demons. 

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