In this town of Halloween..(Nijisanji special!)

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(Be sure to play the song This is Halloween soon, you'll see why! ☆)

It was a cold and dark night, the only proper light providing Shoto the ability to see the ground before him was the moonlight, hanging high in the sky to practically guide him. 

You see, he was invited by this town to come celebrate Halloween with them. He was shocked, but not at all unwelcomed by it. So, he accepted. 

He had gotten dressed in his costume, just his usual outfit, but decided to add dog ears and a tail to it, along with some makeup. He thought it was pretty clever, thinking he looked like a werewolf of some sorts. 

Anyways, as he continued to walk down the narrow path of stones and dirt, he couldn't help but think. Why had they invited him to this town instead of just coming to his own? What was in store for him? That was where he was the most clueless. This wasn't any ordinary town. No, it was what we like to call the town full of monsters. It was full of abnormal people. Witches, wolves, demons, everything. No one was allowed in, or could even get in for the matter, because they kept hidden behind a wall of fog, never to be seen by the naked eye. That's why they only came out on Halloween, throwing the biggest celebration for only the very few who could get invited. One of those few being Shoto thanks to a certain someone who had happily invited him, telling him very little detail but keeping him excited and ready to come see it for himself. 

Just as he was rounding a corner, he noticed a random scarecrow being there. How strange. Just one single scarecrow? And where were any other decorations? Such weird people indeed. That's when he heard a noise from his left, making his eyes go wide as he wiped his head around, looking over, but seeing nothing except a snapped twig. This was getting weirder by the second. He just hoped he could arrive to the city in time and safe from all the ghastly beasts out here. But just as he turned around, he yelped when he saw the scarecrow's eyes were glowing a deep shade of purple, making him back up with wide eyes. Just then, the scarecrow moved, it's arms tearing away from the wooden posts, letting out a groan as it stood up straight, cracked it's back, and took off the pumpkin. There stood Shu, his smile never fading. He was a pumpkin sorcerer and was the one to have invited Shoto. 

Shu grinned as he gave him a bow, then took his hand, laughing as he spun him. "Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?" Shu asked, making Shoto raise an eyebrow in curiosity as Shu snickered, then let go and tossed the pumpkin up in the air. 

As the pumpkin was still rising, in swooped in two witches, grinning and giggling as one of them caught the pumpkin. Why, they were none other than Uki and Iku (Uki's alter ego), the witches twins! "Come with us and you will see," Uki started, then tossed the pumpkin to Iku, flying off to the town. "This our town of Halloween!" Iku said with a cackle, then lead the two to the wall of fog, Shu happily waving his hand and revealing a large gate. Shu then calmly threw open the gate, and lights blinded Shoto. Jack-o-lanterns had been lit by the many, and there were lanterns everywhere! It amazed Shoto as he walked inside, being led by the witches once more and Shu went off, explaining he had to go get someone very important. 

As they continued to walk, they could hear the voices of people around them singing, "This is Halloween, this is Halloween!". Shoto chuckled as he continued to walk, Uki grinning as he led the way, Iku following close behind Shoto as to make sure he didn't get lost. Suddenly, someone appeared, wearing a pumpkin once again, smirking. It was only Pomu the scarecrow, giggling as she took his hand and ran with Shoto, the two laughing the whole way as the two witches followed. "Pumpkins scream in the dead of night!" She sang, making a pouncing like motion at him, causing the boy to let out a laugh. They then continued to run while the three sang. "This is Halloween, everybody make a scene!" Uki then grinned as he put Shoto on the end of his broom, flying a bit up. "Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright." Uki said with a mischievous glint in his eyes, causing Shoto to grin as they flew to the center of the town. "This our town, everybody scream! In this town of Halloween.." The three continued to sing as they flew to the center of the town, Pomu on the back of Iku's broom. 

𝖡𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 - 𝖵𝗈𝗑𝗍𝗈 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now