Chapter 5

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"Rum and pineapple?" Brynn shouts over the music and I nod at her looking around the bar. It's been so long since we've been here but we needed a night out and she wasn't going to let me sit at home no matter how much I needed to get this book done. I watch Brynn at the counter waiting for our drinks while she flirts with a cute biker dude and I sigh wishing I could only flirt as easy as Brynn. If we're being honest my interest in any man has been tainted by Grant which is exactly the opposite of what I needed at the moment. We haven't spoken since the night in his truck and all though I know it's what's best I can't help but be a little sad about it.

"Okay so give me the rundown, what's new with your new hot dad friend?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me as she slides over my drink. I sigh twirling the straw around the glass. "Oh no, you've got that look did things not work out?"

"No no, nothing like that, we want to keep it completely casual....I think." I mutter taking a deep drink as Brynn brows shoot to her hairline.

"You think? What do you mean you think?" She asks absently stirring her drink while I practically inhale mine.

"Because when it first happened we talked for like two seconds Brynn, so I just don't know. I met his mom when we dropped the girls off, his mom."

"Well maybe you two should sit down and have that talk because I don't want you to get emotionally invested in another emotionally unavailable man. Last time Dean really hurt you and I don't want to have to hurt another man. Plus something tells me big tall and handsome firefighters are harder to hurt than five ten accountants." I laugh at her drinking the last sip of my drink. She was right I did need to talk to Grant about what we're doing, I like him and the girls of course but I don't want to get to invested and hurt myself in the process. I've been stupid and naive, it hurts and I don't want to go through that once more.

"I'm getting a new drink." I sigh walking to the bar and getting us each a new glass and walking back to Brynn. Except now she has an annoyed look on her face, as I follow her gaze I see my ex walk into the bar a cocky smile on his face. "Great see what you did? You say his name and it's like he appears." I groan handing her her glass and sitting back down.

"Hey don't blame me I didn't realize it was like the bat signal." I laugh at her taking a drink and glancing around the bar. "Plus it's a small town Addi and he's a drinker we're bound to run into him here." I frown at her and she just smiles tipping my glass back and making me drink more. She quickly runs back to the bar to order another round of drinks. I was already feeling a little buzzed but I didn't stop her; I needed to let lose, all of this Grant stuff was stressing me out.

"Well well well, if it isn't Addi." I hear him before I see him and I resist the urge to gag and roll my eyes. "How have you been Angel?"

"Don't call me that." I snap at him finally turning to face him, seeing a cocky grin on his face as a vodka tonic dangles from his hand.

"God I've missed that fire you know."

"What do you want Dean?" I ask turning back and taking a drink from my now empty glass grimacing when I see I've drained it.

"You don't have to act like you hate me Addi, you loved me once." I cringe at the thought, I thought I loved him. I was really just infatuated with the fact that he didn't want me, but so it goes I love to love emotionally unavailable boys.

"Once Dean, key word is once. Now leave before you ruin my night." He puts his hands up still smiling as he backs away and walks back over to his friends. Brynn practically skips back over oblivious to what had just happened a smile plastered across her face.

"Oh Addi!" She sings out clearly both of us being fairly buzzed. "I brought shots too cause I feel like we deserved them and the hot bartender thought you did too." She waves here eyebrows and slaps down a napkin with a number scrawled across it. I look over at the bartender and offer him a smile and he returns a wink making me blush. "He's hot!"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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