Chapter 3

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Pulling up to the white farmhouse I grab the pasta salad I made and walk up to the bright red door. Breathing in the warm evening air I remember when we used to play out in the front yard in the sprinklers. My childhood home always brings mixed feelings, it reminds me so much of my mom. I know I should focus on the good memories that we have here but part of me wishes my dad would have moved. That I wouldn't have to visit the last place I saw her constantly, every Sunday I walk through this door and am reminded of her.

I sigh before walking in the door, hit with the delicious smell of burgers on the grill. Walking into the kitchen I'm greeted by my sister cutting veggies and arranging them on a plate. "Hey T." She looks up at me immediately narrowing her eyes, scanning me up and down.

"Somethings different." She says setting down the knife and walking to me. "You're in a dress, your hair is done and you're wearing makeup? Who's the guy?"

"There's no guy Taylor." I scoff moving around her and setting down the pasta salad. She follows me laughing mockingly at me.

"Yea sure Addi, since when do you get ready for family dinner?" She gasps covering her mouth her eyes dancing. "Oh my gosh are you seeing him tonight? Is he coming to family dinner?"

"Taylor there's no guy." I argue crossing my arms over my chest just as my brother walks in.

"Look at her B." Taylor shrieks pointing at me and I roll my eyes. "Since when does she get ready for family dinner? Don't you think somethings up?"

"Who's the guy?" Brendon asks and I sigh rolling my eyes at both of them. "Come on Addi it's all over you face."

"You two are impossible." I sigh storming out to the backyard where my father is loading burgers onto a plate. "Hey dad." He turns to me a smile plastered on his face as he closes the girl.

"Hey Addi girl how are ya?" He asks using his free hand to punch my shoulder. I roll my eyes smiling as I follow him into the kitchen.

"Good, just busy. How's the station?" As soon as he sets down the burgers Brendon is on them making two burgers for himself.

"Stations great, missing Jake but Grant's a great addition." Just at the mention of his name my heart goes racing. The memory of his hips sitting snuggly against mine, the dirty things that came from his mouth and the way his hands knew exactly where to be when. I take a quick drink of water hoping to cook down, but I'm extremely aware of Taylor's eyes analyzing me. "I heard his girls really took a liking to you. Did you know his wife left when the youngest was still a baby? Just up and left with this new guy she had been cheating with."

"Dad you're gossiping." I tell him laughing slightly. "Howd you even find all of that out?"

"Carter is friends with Grant's brother and you know how Carter loves to gossip." He rolls his eyes with fondness, no matter how much they annoyed him he loved his guys. "He's a great guy though, glad he moved here." Yea me too, I thought almost audibly sighing.

After dinner my dad headed to the station and left Taylor and I to clean up. I dried and put away some plates dancing through the kitchen causing Taylor to give me her "I know all" look.

"Damn Grant must me giving it to you good." She mutters shutting of the sink causing me to choke on my spit and almost drop a mixing bowl.

"What do you mean?" I squeak out and she smiles shaking her head. "Nothings happening between us I just watched the girls once."

"Yea expect for when dad mentioned it you about shit yourself, it was all over your face. Plus you've been in a strangely good mood since you got here which is so not normal for you." I sigh leaning against the counter, she's good.

"Okay fine we may have hooked up." She fist pumped and I glared at her. "But it was only once and honestly I haven't heard from him since. So it's probably just a one time thing, which I'm more than okay with." She scoffed at me shaking her head.

"Right. Addi you're a hopeless romantic, this isn't going to end well." She gives me a sympathetic look and I lift my chin. I snatch another plate driving it more than I needed to before looking back at her.

"I am perfectly capable of a casual hookup, even if he is tall, brooding, handsome, his voice gives me literal chills and oh my god his hands-"

"Yes perfectly capable."


Later that night I sat on my couch trying to finish my newest chapter in my novel. My publisher was on my ass about getting this sequel finished in a few months and I had really been slacking. Thankfully my little encounter with Grant gave me the push I needed. I revamped the character just a smidge giving him Grants eyes and brooding character. Grant had taken over my head since the night we slept together and it wasn't letting up anytime soon.

Taking a break, I grab some water from the kitchen and sighing as the cool sensation runs down my throat. From the other room I hear my phone ring, so I take my glass and make my way back to the study. But I freeze when I see Grant's name flashing across my phone. I quickly tighten my bun on top of my head and remove my glasses. Greeted by nothing but a blurry phone I put my glasses back on and answer before it hangs up on him. I'm greeted with the grinning faces of two girls and I immediately smile, their happiness is contagious.

"Well isn't this a surprise! Hi girls!" I greet them  plopping down on my couch. "How are you?"

"We're good. We wanted to ask you a question but daddy said you might be busy."  Daisy explains holding the phone more on her face than her sister's causing Lillian to press the side of her face against Daisy's arm.

"Daisy let your sister see the phone too." Grant's low voice comes through the phone giving me instant butterflies. Almost immediately the camera shifts a little bit allowing Lillian's face to enter the frame.

"Anyways." She says glaring at her dad making me stifle a laugh. "Tomorrow daddy's taking us to the arcade and we want you to come too!"

"Aw girls I would love to!" I tell them and Lillian does a little happy dance making me giggle. "What time should I be there?" I ask them and suddenly the phone is moving and Grant's face comes into view. "Oh hi."

"Hey." He answers gruffly though I see the tip of his ears turn pink. "I was planing on taking them around three so I can drop them off at their grandparents house around six. We can come pick you up."

"Okay I'll send you my address." I tell him smiling and he nods handing the phone back to the waiting little girls.

"We'll see you tomorrow Addi!" Daisy says and I wave at them, getting a smile and a wave from Lillian before the phone call ends. A whole three hours with Grant, I could do that right?

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