Chapter 10: Surprise & Uncertainty

Start from the beginning

Usually I would be trying to keep myself busy, training with the Warriors in Training (WITs) or helping James and Cody with whatever was going on in the pack.

But even now, I find myself unable to face them.

A part of me feel callous for feeling that way especially after all the amazing things that they have both done to be there for me and to support me whenever I needed a pick me up. But even still, this feels like such a raw, broken piece of me that I find myself wanting to hold it to my chest and hide it from the world from fear of it being destroyed and stomped over like everything else in this fucked up place.

I sigh at my own thoughts and from how down and depressed Tobias has been all day. Except for this half cup of tea I've managed to sip down, we haven't eaten a drop of food today, and neither of us could care less, despite our bodies protest.

What's the point?

The seems to be the prevailing question around here.

I'm lost in thought, firguring out the best way I could resign from my position as Beta without having to look my closssts friends in the eye and see refusal and pity. Without a Mate, I'm not fit to pass on the linage of my bloodline and position that my family has held for generations. Though James would disagree, the council will recognize that people in their position have made the same call for hundreds of years, redirecting bloodlines whenever one was disrupted whether by greed, evils, death or plain misfortune.

My father would been heart broken if he knew what I was considering.

But I've embarrassed and disgraced my people enough, I shouldn't insult them further by leading them down a failing bloodline that would leave them without an heir close enough in age to be of use and service of the Alpha once James and Cody's future children come of age.

My heart continues to break as I realize more and more what this means for me and all my dreams.

I'm so lost in thought that the first time the doorbell rings, I think I've imagined it or heard it from another home not far away, but the second ring jolts straight through me to my core as if telling me 'Pay attention. It's for you.'

Though no one is around and neither Tobias or I said them, the words seem to appear in my mind clear as day, pushing me along. And rather that resist it, I identify the voice and aura I can just barely feel, as if I'm imagining it, as Varness, the Mother Goddess and creator of Wolves as we are today. She's spoken to me once before, long ago, long enough I started to think I imagined the whole thing. For a moment I'm stunned, but the feeling is gone just as quickly, and I find myself reeling from a dream like encounter as I force myself to listen and make my way to the door. A part of me prays that it's neither James nor anyone else from our council, wanting to be left to hide and sulk as much as my heart desires.

I consider for a second ignoring the voice and going to my room to try to rest again, but it almost feels as if something it pulling me toward the door, compelling me to open it and do as the strange voice said.

And let's face it, if it truly is Varness, I'd rather not evoke her wrath by ignoring her.

With a sigh I make my way down the hallway towards the front door and twist the knob, feeling the smallest jolt of electricity when I do.

At first, I don't see anyone there, until I glance off of the porch and find the most beautiful creature on earth walking away towards the east. My breath gets caught in my throat for a moment as I realize that I recognize those fluffy red-orange fox ears sticking from unruly hair, his tail low to the ground as he retreats.

'Your ugly mug didn't scare off our Soulmate, after all!' Tobias exclaims in relief and excitement, ever the comedian.

"Hey!" I manage to get out, feeling like an idiot as I wait for him to turn. I watch as his body tensed and for a moment I worry he's going to run again, but after a pause, he relaxes and goes to turn around.

Even after seeing him last night, it does nothing to compare to his perfection here in the beautifully gleaming sun that kisses his features brilliantly. Here in the adoring sun, a spotlight made just for him , I can family see the raised skin of the permanent runes along the back of his neck and peaking out from the short sleeve of his crop top, a nice maroon to balance out the fiery red hair of his. I find myself scrambling for what to do or say, terrified that any misstep could send him running away again, and this time, he wouldn't come back.

"Beta of the Autumn Falls Pack, huh? Not something I wouldn't guessed." He admits aloud, his voice soft and warm like purring velvet.

'I want to eat him.' Tobias sighs lovingly almost making me snort out loud, but I do my best to ignore my stupid wolf and focus on the way the half stranger takes in my childhood home's exterior, hand built by the members of my community. Some would describe the building as a classic fairy tale cottage, and I supposed it does resemble one, though a rather large one, but the magic that's said to bloom in these homes has evaded me for so long I no longer see the glimmer that once shone in every inch of this home.

I shake those thoughts loose form my mind, instead focusing on his words and  he continues speaking before I can come up with a response.

"I asked around for you by scent; evergreen and stone and people just pointed me this way." I notice the small shiver the passes him and the way he subtly breathes in my scent as it blows towards him, hope swelling at the possibility that he's not as uneffected as he seems. "Glad I started here and not Winter Moon." He continues. "Though the lack of secrecy or security is definitely a concern."

'Aww he worries.' Tobias croons, trying to shove me out of the way to get a better look.

"Lack of security? I'm sure there were guards at the gate." I argue, trying to remember who I saw on duty when I went to the pack house his morning and scanned through the list. Someone is getting their ass handed to them for sure.

"Oh, there were. But all I had to do was bat my little eyes, ask questions while flirting, and I knew exactly where the right hand man of the Alpha, Alexander Jordan Marks lived. Just like that. No protection runes from mental invasion, no magic trained wolves? I don't know, I guess I just thought you wolves wouldn't be more... prepared. Expectations, I guess." He mutters, shrugging and I'm unable to recover from just how thrown off I am.

Not only did my Soulmate come to find me, but he doesn't seem to be here to reject me, and he has found a quite fatal flaw in our defenses that we haven't been seriously considering.

If the Daemons in Indrid really are teaming up with the Port Mafia, who knows the damage they could do if they were attack us as we are now. I get a cold dark feeling in my gut suddenly and while I hate it, I have to ask, I have to be sure.

"You didn't tell me your name. You don't work for the Port Mafia, do you?" I ask him bluntly, preparing myself for any answer, knowing that if I call out to the pack link, others will be here in moments if necessary. The man looks stunned for a moment, his fox ears halting their subconscious twitching as he tilts his head in what looks like confusion.

That is, before a full bellied laugh comes from deep within. He manages to sober up for a few moments, enough to finally answer. "My name is Chloe. And no. I'm not with the Mafia. But at least I know you're asking the right questions." The last part is so low I almost miss it, but it adds to my curiosity and intrigued to when Chloe offers to talk more, I don't hesitate. "I'd rather go inside to talk." He hints and I receive the message.

"Well, it's nothing special, but come on, make yourself at home." I tell him, pushing myself off of the porch railing before stepping over to open the door for us, a shiver passing up my spine as he comes up the steps behind me, a blush following the shiver and settling on my cheeks.

As I step inside, as cheesy as it sounds, I can't shake the feeling that this moment in time feels so good, so right, that I can almost swear that I've lived this moment a thousand times before but the feeling is gone in the same instant. But I hold on to it as we go inside and the door closes behind us, and hope. Hope that today is the start to forever.

Boom Chapter 10 of Forbidden. I actually need to time line out the rest of the book, I don't have anything past ten rn but that won't take long. Next on the list for today is an Extra, making good time, I think and it's only 1. Let's see how much I'm able to post today!



QOTD: Favorite childhood book series?

Mine is Percy Jackson & the Olympians

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