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Natasha opened her eyes to the early morning sun shining into the bedroom.

She turned around to see Five laying next to her, fast asleep, a piece of his hair in front of his face was hitting his nose. He looked so peaceful.

She smiled before she closed her eyes again.

But just a few minutes later, she could feel someone kissing her on the cheek "Good morning Love" Five said and she smiled "Are you awake?" he asked and she shook her head.

He then kissed her collarbone "How about now?" he asked "No" she said as she shook her head and he smiled as he remove some piece of her hair before he started kissing her left shoulder.

She smiled before she grabbed him and flipped him over so he was under her "Got you" she said with a smile and he smiled before he grabbed her and flipped her over so she was under him.

"Never celebrate too early" he said and she smiled "So you are awake now?" he asked and she nodded "Good" he said before he pressed his lips against hers.

She smiled as they both sunk deep into the kiss. They have both missed this so much.

Their hands then moved to their collar and they slowly started to pull down their shirt.

But then they heard Luna crying through the baby monitor which cause them to pull away.

"I will get her" Five said before he got up and left the bedroom to go to the nursery that was right next to the bedroom.

Natasha got up and she walked into the nursery to see Five holding Luna, comforting her "There there Luna Bear, I'm here" he said as he comfort his daughter "Did you had a nightmare, I have them too. Someday I will explain them to you. Why they came? Why they wouldn't go away? How you can make them appear not so often?" Five said as he was looking down at the toddler who was looking right back at him with her big eyes "I'll tell you how I survive it...I will make a list in my head. Of all the good things I have seeing someone do. Every little thing I can remember" he said and Luna then wrapped one of her fingers around Five's pinkey which cause him to smile.

Natasha smiled at the sight. Sometimes it was really hard for her to get Luna to calm down when she was crying, but it was like Five didn't had any trouble with it which make Natasha believe that Luna was a daddy's girl.

"Good morning" Zach said as he walked over to stand next to his mom who was standing by the doorframe to the nursery "Good morning" Natasha said and Zach looked into the nursery to see his dad holding Luna.

"I have a feeling that Luna is gonna be a daddy's girl when she gets older" Zach said "I think she already is, just like you were a mommy's boy when you were younger" Natasha said and Zach rolled his eyes.

The Assassin family (Five Hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now