"Whoever that is has your full attention. Maybe you should have invited them," Eleanor joked as she sat across from Maddie.

"I am so sorry. I will put it away," Maddie smiled apologetically.

Eleanor decided to cut right to the point. "Are you and Buck up to something?"

"Wh-what? No.."

"Sure.." she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Why do you ask that?"

"It's just kind of convenient that you asked me to lunch right as I was about to take my break, which only Buck knew about. How else would you know exactly when I was taking break when I had just decided myself."

"Impeccable timing."

"And Buck has been trying to make up for the other night. Also, he likes surprises."

"Okay Nancy Drew, nobody is planning anything. Now let's eat," Maddie smiled.


"Thank you for lunch, whatever your intentions were," Eleanor and Maddie shared one last laugh before Eleanor went back to work. "You'll have to text me later so we can plan something."

"Will do," Maddie smiled.

Eleanor grabbed her purse and walked toward the doors of the hospital. When she reached her office she could see that the light was on, which was odd because she remembered turning it off. She brushed the thought away and reached for the handle to open the door. The door pushed open gently. There was a vase full of fresh flowers on the desk. Sunflowers and roses, which were her favorites. Beside that was a card with her name written across the front.

Eleanor smiled to herself as she set down her purse and jacket. She walked around the desk and grabbed the card. Inside read, 

'My place ;)

6 p.m.

Come dressed as your usual cute self

-Buck <3'

Her smile grew. Buck is definitely the sweetest, most caring person she has ever met. She reached in her purse for her phone. Before she could do it Buck had beaten her to it. A message appeared on her screen from Buck.

Buck: I'm assuming you've seen it by now. If not then I ruined it.

Buck: I hope you like it, I'll see you tonight <3

Eleanor: I love it, you are the sweetest. 

She smiled to herself again as she stared at the flowers. After a few moments, Eleanor recollected herself. Time to get back to work so that she could get out of there on time and make it to Buck like she was supposed to.


Eleanor arrived home just in time. 5:53, read the clock on her phone. She opened the door, dropping her purse and keys on the stand next to the door before turning toward the kitchen. Buck was waiting, leaning against the counter, surrounded by a whole bunch of stuff.

"What is all this?"

"You said you'd rather stay in and I wanted to plan a date that you'd actually enjoy. I know you're favorite food is pizza and pasta but I am nowhere near ready to attempt to make pasta so.. I brought the pizza to you." Dough, cheese, sauce, and other toppings covered the counter behind him. "Also I happen to know that peanut butter blossoms are your favorite so," Buck held up a bag of Hersey kisses and cookie mix.

Eleanor's face lit up more and more as he talked. "This is amazing. You're amazing."

"There's more," Buck smiled.

"More?" Buck held up 13 Ghosts, Eleanor's favorite movie. "Oh my god.. you remembered." She loved this movie, mostly because of Matthew Willard.

"Of course," Buck smiled as she looked at him in awe. "I care about you, I listen.."

"You're amazing."

"I try." Eleanor walked over and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back, giving her a quick squeeze. "What do you say, let's make some pizzas."

Buck began opening all the toppings as Eleanor stretched out the dough. After getting the two pieces of dough stretched and shaped into hearts, Eleanor reached for the jar of sauce. She struggled for a few seconds before Buck offered to help. He laughed at the strain on her face as she attempted once more to open the jar before finally handing it over. After adding the sauce, the two topped their own pizzas. Eleanor took pepperoni and made an E on hers and a B on Buck's. He smiled at her and pecked her lips before putting the pizzas in the oven. 

After finishing up the pizzas and cookies, Buck and Eleanor headed to the living room where Buck had a blanket fort set up. "You're adorable," Eleanor smiled at Buck. Eleanor got cozy as Buck put the movie on. Once he joined her in the fort Eleanor cuddled up next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. "This whole thing has been amazing. Thank you." Buck pulled her closer to him and kissed her lips. 

Eleanor found herself lost in thought for a few moments. Her life was nowhere near how she'd planned it to be. Though she didn't mind that. Ever since she had gotten away from Michael everything was so much brighter for her. Her life was slowly coming back together, back on the track she'd planned. None of this would have been possible without Buck. He's been there every step of the way and pushed her to be a better vision of herself. She hoped she never lost him..

A/N: Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for all of you that read, like, and comment on my stories. I wouldn't be able to do what I love without you guys. 

Black And Blue-E.Buckley (9-1-1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon