Chapter 47

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A/n if you're British and European I know it's called football but Meghan saying soccer is to show her being American kind of a way to show that she's still not that deeply integrated in British culture and language.

A/n if you're British and European I know it's called football but Meghan saying soccer is to show her being American kind of a way to show that she's still not that deeply integrated in British culture and language

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Her attendance at the match did not do much; it just showed a different side to the Cambdridge family. While her presence at the match may not have had a significant impact, it provided a glimpse into the Cambridge family's lesser-known interests and hobbies. It shed light on their diverse range of activities beyond their usual public engagements. Now they expected her to go to the female games too, and to be honest, she didn't know they had female teams in football, which showed how uninterested she was in the sport all in all.

The next days weren't at all busy within their household, although they did have the St. Patrick's Day parade, which they took the oldest three to, and then the next day she visited King's College with the Queen, which had Meghan seething. She couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy as she watched the Queen and Emily interact during their visit to King's College. Meghan couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being overshadowed by the Duchess of Cambridge, further fueling her growing frustration within the royal family. In the past few days, she has also been tortured with videos of Emily with her girls at the stupid soccer game. Meghan couldn't help but compare her own experiences as a royal to Emily's seemingly effortless integration into the family. The constant reminders of their contrasting public images only intensified Meghan's feelings of inadequacy and isolation within the royal circle.

And seeing the way the moment she decided to copy Emily and attend a random game with Harry, she was accused of faking her interest as they claimed she looked bored, even though she was only trying to copy Emily, and yes, she was bored, but the press reporting on her boredom was not fair. Especially when they compared her with the same Emily, who had looked bored at the match she went to but didn't say anything about Emily being bored. It seemed like a classic case of double standards, where Emily's behaviour was overlooked while she was being judged for the same actions. But what she did not understand was that everyone had already assumed Emily didn't like football, as she was never with her husband at Villa games, FA Cup finals, world cups, and so on, but was rather taking her daughters to go watch a team they enjoyed, and that's where her second problem came from. Her second problem arose from the fact that society, especially the royal watching world, often expects women to conform to traditional gender roles, such as being supportive wives or mothers, and that was not enough for Meghan. Yes, she would love her children, but she wouldn't advertise them to the world just to show people that she's a mother. Meghan valued her independence and wanted to be known for her own accomplishments and contributions, rather than solely as a mother. And from the time she had spent with Emily she could see that the woman was happy to be a mother than go out and work but that wouldn't be Meghan or was willing to waste 90 minutes of her life watching some lousy games all because she didn't have any other purpose then making her kid's spoilt.

"I can't believe this," Harry said frantically. "She goes to one game, and now she's been seen as the queen of football. Look at this." He said showing Meghan the Cambridge's Instagram account.

"What am I looking at here?" she asked, seeing a picture of Emily and her kids out watching that stupid soccer game, the same pictures she couldn't escape. Harry sighed and explained, "This picture has been trending ever since, and now everyone is praising Emily for her newfound love for football. It's as if she's become an overnight sensation in the football world." Meghan raised an eyebrow in surprise, realizing the extent of Emily's sudden popularity.

"William and I have been attending football games for so long, but none of the players nor the teams have ever liked our pictures or even left a comment. Look at this; my team literally left a comment here they asked for her to attend their games as if we didn't just attend yesterday," he pouted, showing her the comments. Meghan chuckled, understanding Harry's disappointment as her husband now finally got to fully feel how it felt being second to Emily. "Well, it seems like Emily has managed to capture the attention of not just the fans, but also the players themselves. She must have struck a chord with them somehow or maybe people seeing her children there is what sparked the over fawning." She glanced at the comments, scoffing at the ass licking some people were doing in the section.

"It's not that big of a deal anyways why are you stressing?" She said handing him his phone back, like only three or four people watched the sports why was Harry so worried it's not like it was the Super Bowl or anything to that extent.

"Why wouldn't we Meghan, her popularity is not even slowly rising it has sky rocketed, look at the polls, she's now above granny with her approvals,"

"All because she attended one game?" Meghan scoffed out not understanding British people's love for soccer.

"Some of the rumors' here are wild," she said as she took out her phone to look Emily up "Why would someone gift her a club?"

"What?!" Harry exclaimed out shocking his wife as he snatched her phone from her hands "Baseless rumors', why would some Arab billionaire want to gift Emily a club,"

Meghan smirked a idea already hatching in her head, if they couldn't get William on the cheating rumors' they get Emily, a lot of women love Emily that part she knew but the moment they suspected that she was cheating they would immediately shun her for cheating on Diana's precious son. And now with all the male interest on her she knew forming an affair rumor would be easy.

Meghan knew that manipulating public opinion was a delicate task, but she was determined to execute her plan flawlessly. She began strategizing on how to subtly plant the seeds of doubt about Emily's loyalty, ensuring that it would spread like wildfire among the media and the public.

So without telling her husband she hatched up a plan and it was simple to do so as Emily kept digging a hole in for herself when taking her kids to watch these games. Plus she had a lot of time since she was out on maternity leave.

The first plan escalate the rumors' of this billionaire trying to buy her a club, the rumor was started by a royal fan who was also a sports fan so she knew it had no legs to run on, but she would give it legs especially with the pictures of Emily meeting said man and acting all lovey dovey.

If that plan didn't work plan b would come into action, yes Emily was a mother and now in her early 30s but she knew starting a rumor about her with any of the younger players wouldn't be a problem, all she needs to do is get the press to wonder about Emily's favorite player and once she names someone start the rumor.

Plan c, since Josie has a type, plan c wouldn't be that hard to pull of she thought as she wrote up her little plan for her little inside man to go start doing his job.

But what Meghan didn't know was that while she was hatching up a plan to break down Emily's marriage, hers was falling apart. Her husband busy seeking comfort in someone else's arms, because he unlike Meghan was not only jealous of Emily's popularity but he wondered how his public image got so low.

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