peace offering

38 2 7

You need to make friends. Ward told me you're being frosty.

Maeve rolled her eyes at the text from Garrett. She wasn't being frosty, she was just keeping her distance because unlike them, she doesn't take sadistic pleasure in emotionally torturing people.

eat shit :)

She groaned, erasing the message before she hit send, knowing that Garrett didn't appreciate her sense of humor like she did. Too much at stake to play games. 

Yes sir.

She responded, rolling her eyes and placing the phone under the mattress of her bed. Garrett had given it to her before she left so she could securely transmit information to him regarding TAHITI and everything Phil Coulson. It had only one contact and a secure server that couldn't be intercepted by SHIELD. 

She didn't like the feeling of sneaking around and lying to the team. They had given her a bunk and been nice to her. She wasn't one that normally worried about other people's feelings, but they had actually treated her with kindness, and she was starting to like them. 

Every time the feeling of guilt surfaced, she just reminded herself that she didn't have a choice. She was doing a job, and anything that came with it was part of the job.

And while it was true, she still couldn't shake the nasty pit feeling in her stomach.

Having just landed, Maeve left her bunk, heading down to the ramp of the Bus, which was currently open. She spotted Coulson standing on the end, his hands crossed behind his back. Coulson was in his signature black suit and tie, but Maeve had opted for something a little more comfortable, clad in a pair of jeans and a long sleeve.

She walked up next to him, joining him silently, staring at the skyline which was turning a beautiful orangish color. A slight breeze whistled past them, scented like autumn leaves, which painted the leaves around them vibrant hues. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" He broke the silence, smiling.

"Yes, sir." She smiled too, unfamiliar with the sense of easiness she was feeling. She liked the older agent, for whatever reason. Maeve wasn't sure what a father was like, or at least a decent one, but he reminded her of someone who would have kids. Maybe play catch with them or go to dance recitals.

"You know, you don't have to call me sir all the time, Agent Phillips."

"And you don't have to call me Agent Phillips."

"Ok then, Maeve, what do I owe the pleasure?" Coulson was warming up to the idea of having her join the team. He was initially opposed to the idea, especially since he didn't want a supervisor, but since they were down a man, they could use her help. She didn't get in the way, she made good conversation, and she was an incredibly skilled fighter, so if anything, she was an asset.

"I was wondering if I could take one of the motorcycles and leave for an hour while we're refueling. I wanted to grab some things for my bunk."

"Of course."

"Thank you, sir." She laughed slightly as she realized she had called him sir again. "Sorry. Can I get you anything while I'm out?"

"Vacation time would be great." He joked, watching as the girl mounted the bike, kicking up the stand and revving the engine before rolling slowly down the ramp.

"You and me both." She gave him a sarcastic salute before she sped off the airstrip, driving down the road.


Exactly one hour later, Maeve sped back up the airstrip, feeling a little melancholy that her little field trip was over. This time when she rolled up the ramp of the Bus, the sky was dark and studded with stars glistening from millions of miles away. She peeled off her helmet, parking the bike and grabbing the bag of goodies she had gotten while she was out. 

Maeve had never been great at making friends or socializing in general; she tended to mind her own business. She kept to herself, following rules like her life depended on it. 

Ironically, her life actually does depend on her ability to rule follow, but she had been like this even before Hydra.

Though she lacked experience in the making friends department, she did know that she liked food and she knew that everyone else liked food too. 

Since the Bus didn't have a kitchen, she compromised, buying a box of sweets from a cute bakery she found in a local strip mall. The girl had spent almost the entire time she was out deciding which ones to get because they all looked so good. She ended up settling for a couple of donuts, cookies, and croissants; a peace offering.

Maeve had convinced herself that she was just getting them because Garrett ordered her to socialize and take friends, but a part of her longed to be a part of the team. For the past week, the girl had watched from afar as they played games, drank a beer, and talked to each other about things that weren't work. While she might not have been old enough to actually drink a beer, she would've liked to have joined in.

Maeve would never admit it to herself, but she would do anything to have someone to call a friend.

As she walked back up to the lounge area of the Bus to deliver her present, she heard the youngest agents on the team laughing from the couch. She paused for a moment, contemplating whether to join in on the conversation or confine herself to her bunk again. Instead of joining them, she grabbed a blank sheet of SHIELD embossed paper and a pen, scribbling down her message.

peace offering - maeve :)

She left the box on the bar counter with the message on top, slipping into her room and taking the phone out from under her mattress. After staring at it for a few seconds, she took it between her hands and bent it until the screen cracked and glitched to black. 

It felt weirdly freeing. She felt like, for once, she had done the right thing. 

Shoving the remains under her mattress for the last time, she slipped into the covers of her bed, actually getting a full night of sleep for once. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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