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"It's a simple job, Agent Phillips. Ward is already on the inside. All you have to do is infiltrate, gain trust, and get me information." John Garrett approached a young Maeve Phillips, placing a hand on her lower back. A shiver ran up her spine as she recoiled, stepping away from his touch.

"If you value your hands, don't touch me." Maeve spat under her breath, crossing her arms uncomfortably. Garrett's plan didn't make sense to her: having one mole on the inside was already a massive risk, but two? "I don't understand how you think this is a good idea. Ward's a big boy, he can do this himself."

"I'm worried about his ability to stay focused. He's ogling over that hacker girl, I can already see it. She's distracting him." The two agents spoke in an extremely hushed whisper, as the halls of a SHIELD facility weren't exactly an ideal place to discuss an infiltration.

"Ironic. Send in the child in to make sure the 30 year old man stays focused." Maeve rolled her eyes. She didn't want to infiltrate on a team that was so close to each other. It felt wrong. 

"I didn't ask for your opinion on the matter, you don't get a choice." 

She grit her teeth, holding back a handful of colorful words to throw at him. While she was always compliant, sometimes, she had to physically resist the urge to punch Garrett in the teeth.

"What exactly do they know about me?" She followed behind him, walking towards the jet.

"They know what's in your file; that's it." 

"How am I supposed to gain their trust if they don't know anything about me?"

"Have you lost your ability to use your critical thinking skills? Lie, Maeve. Lie to them. You're a spy, dammit."

"Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?" Maeve was taken aback by his tone. They were never friendly with each other, per se, but this was out of character; even for him.

"Phil Coulson."

"You're still not over him? This guy cannot be that important." The girl groaned in disbelief that Garrett was still so obsessed with this one man. While she acknowledged his persistence, it was starting to get old.

"He is. For whatever reason, he's still alive. And you have to figure out why."

"You know, I'm not here to solve your personal problems. I work for Hydra, not you." As she finished speaking, Garrett grabbed Maeve by the throat, shoving her against the wall with a deafening slam. They were lucky that no one else was in the hallway with them.

"You are Hydra's property. You do not have free will. You do what I tell you to." He sneered, his face inches away from Maeve, who could feel his hot breath on her face. She attempted to maintain her composure as his grip constricted her airways. It took all of her self control not to lose it, pummeling his face into the concrete floor, but she knew what was at stake. Acting out was not an option she had.

"Yes, sir." She choked out as Garrett released her from his grip, allowing her to catch her breath. Garrett walked through the door to the hangar, not bothering to hold it open for the girl. "Bastard." 

She rubbed her neck bitterly, shooting daggers into the back of Garrett's head. The two walked up the ramp of the jet, Garrett continuing towards the cockpit as Maeve fist bumped Trip. 

A part of her felt bad that she had become such good friends with Trip, but she genuinely liked him. Also, it was an inevitable part of the job: make friends, stab them in the back.

"Where are we going?" Trip asked, choosing not to comment on the furious expression on Maeve's face. It wasn't out of the ordinary for Maeve to have some type of sour look on her face. For a young woman, she had a lot of pent up rage. 

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