Chapter 66 - Closer

Start from the beginning

But this made it feel tangible, like I could almost taste the satisfaction of spilling Clarks blood already.

I smiled, "All that's left is to go get our members."

Since Kaesha and Hailey had already picked up my things on their way, she decided to teleport us back to the house.

"The fuck?" Timothy yelped, holding his chest, "Where were you guys? I had to climb in through a window, and I'm sure that was a fun show for the neighbours to watch."

Kaesha snickered at the image while, Hailey her mood having notably shifted at the sight of him, wordlessly vacated the living room.

As I explained everything to him, Timothy had a glint in his eye that I was almost certain reflected my face too.

"This is might turn out better than I'd let myself hope." He said, a wicked half-smile on his face.

With the high of the golden egg of an alliance, I realised that Timothy's presence here must mean that he'd found the sanctuary.

"You said you wouldn't come back till you'd found it..."

His half smile morphed into a full one, "Well, I'm back, aren't I?"

"Damn, today's a good day, ain't it?" Kaesha said from the fridge as my own wicked grin beamed.

"This is better than good, this is monumental! Things are finally shifting!" I said, with something of a giggle. My body heated up, but not in the panic inducing way I was used to. I took a gamble and let the flames burst from me in little spheres that swirled around me almost like excited sprites.

"Whoa..." Timothy gaped, while Kaesha who emerged from her rummaging through the fridge looked on in a mixture of awe and pride.

"How are you doing that...?" Hailey's voice came from behind me.

"I have no idea. I was feeling warm, so I just... let it out, I guess." I responded, watching the flames dance around me.

I knew negative emotions made my ability flare up, but I'd never experienced this with positive ones.

'Maybe because you've never let yourself feel this positive this strongly before...' Candy suggested.

If she was right, it wouldn't shock me much, the idea of my strongest positive emotion having anything to do with the Lightwood pack left a whisper of dissent that settled in my belly.

I shook my head and the fires flickered out. I had demons to slay and a pack to destroy, so of course I'd feel happy taking a step closer to crushing them.

"Let's go get our members."

Hailey's P. O. V

I emerged from my room at the sounds of fascination and fire. Ari sat on a couch opposite Tim, orbiting her as if she were a celestial body.

I'd seen her practice with her fire before, but I'd never seen her doing anything like this.

"How are you doing that...?" I asked, then started moving around the couch so I could see her face.

"I have no idea. I was feeling warm, so I just... let it out, I guess." She said, looking just as fascinated as the rest of us.

With the little fires floating around her, her gorgeous hair, and the glow of her eyes, she was positively ethereal. Then a look of dissatisfaction crossed her face, and she shook her head, the fires flickering out with the movement.

"Let's go get our members." She said with a slight hardness that made me wonder if I should be worried.

While Timothy was raring to go at her call to action, Kaesha pulled the brakes, "How about we go tomorrow. I'm sure both of you are tired from your adventures and my magic could use some time to recharge."

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