Chapter 6

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Hii everyone so I think this is the last chapter. I hope it is. After this story I'll be writing another one be sure to check it out. Anyways here u go.
"We need to go, now!" " What? What's happening?" "I'm getting you out of here." Ash was about to question the man, but he decided not to. He wanted-no, needed to get out of there."Come on, let's go." They rushed out the room and headed straight to the nearest elevator. The doctor pressed the ground button and closed the door. "Why are you helping me?" "Because I want to help you." "Why though?" "You're a good kid with your whole life a head of you. You don't deserve to be locked up here." "But I thought you were with Giovanni." "I know but I can't let you suffer anymore." When they arrived, the alarm blew and they could here multiple guards shouting. "Come on!" They sprinted out of the building, not caring about where they need to go. All they need now is to get as far away from Team Rocket. They ram for a long time but Ash was slowing down. He was too injured to keep running at this pace, so Dr. Ezra put Ash's arm around him and they limped as fast as they could. But it wasn't fast enough. They were getting closer. "Go, I'll buy you some time." "But what about you?" "Don't worry go!" And he left, feeling guilty about leaving him at the mercy of that madman. He kept running until he saw something he wanted to see for a long time... his friends. "Guys! Over here!" "Ash!" They all said in unison. Before he could run into their arms, something stopped him. It was a vine that was wrapped around him. "Delia, my love! I'm so happy to see you." "That makes one of us. Let him go." "Why we could be a family." "A father does not hurt his own son!" "I had to. He didn't want cooperate so this was the only way." "What did you do with Ezra?!" demanded the boy. "Him? I disposed of that traitor." "You monster!" "He knew the consequences of betraying me. Now either join me or- oof!!" Officer Jenny's backup had arrived at the nick of time and knocked out Giovanni. After Ash got rid of the vines his mother gave one heck of a bear hug. "My baby!" "Mom." It was so good to see her again. "Goh, Chloe, Professor Cerise!" "Ash we need to get you to a pokémon center." "Don't worry. An ambulance is on their way." "Pikapi!" "Pikachu, I missed you so much." And they all had a group hug.

YAAAY IT'S FINALLY FINISHED!!!!! Thank goodness. Welp. Hope you enjoyed everyone. Byee!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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