Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful sunny day in Galar, where we find our hero's battling Team Rocket(again). "Pikachu, thunderbolt!" "PIKACHUUU!!!!!" "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!!!" *Ping* "Sigh, they never give up,do they pikachu?" "Pika" Team Rocket is so annoying."Hey Ash,you wanna get ice cream?" "I'm down, how bout you Pikachu?" "Pika!!" exclaimed the mouse.

Back with Team Rocket, they had an incoming call from Giovanni. "I want a progress report" "W-well we n-nearly got pikachu," stuttered James. "Nearly isn't good enough!" " It's da twoirp who keeps on messin' up our plans," said Meowth. "Who is this 'twerp' you 3 always speak of?" "I think his name was Ash Ketchum," said Jessie. Giovanni eyes widened in shock. 'No it couldn't be' "Bring him to HQ immediately!" "Sir!" And they ended the call. "Why does da boss need da twoirp?" "I don't know but we know better than to question the boss" said James.

And DONE!!
Sorry it's so short this is my first fic EVER   sorry in advance if it's sucky

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