Chapter 5

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Hii everyone!! I'm back! I'm really sorry as I said. I would just like to thank Pokémon-fox 120 for their support and idea. Go check them out! Without further a do Chapter 5.

"We suspect that Ash was kidnapped," stated Goh. Delia's heart skipped a beat when he said that. 'Who would want to kidnap him?' Delia was now worried more than ever. Her son wasn't missing, he was kidnapped, which is far worse. Her mind was racing through the worse possible senerios. "Do you know who did this?" asked Jenny. "We've narrowed it down to two people: Team Rocket or Team Plasma." Delia was now having a heart attack. "It's him. Giovanni." Her voice was nearly inaudible. Barely anyone could hear her. "Pardon, Mrs Ketchum?" asked Jenny. "It's  Team Rocket. They took him." "How do you know?" asked Chloe. "I was dating the leader of Team Rocket when I was still working with Prof. Oak.  I didn't know at the time that he was with Team Rocket. We fell in love and one night we slept together and I got pregnant with Ash. When he told me he was with Team Rocket, he asked me to come with him. I rejected him straight away. I could never go with him. Not after what they did to my friends and family." "Do you know where he is?" asked the officer.  "He has a base in Viridian City but there's no way he could get Ash there in such short time." "Maybe there's one in Galar," wondered Cerise. Goh popped out his phone and searched for a Team Rocket base in Galar. "Aargh! It says 'No results!'"  "Duh! Of course it's gonna say that! Do you really think they'll put the location of their base? Officer Jenny, maybe one of your Pokémon could track Ash down. Goh, do you have anything of Ash's stuff?" "Yeah, I have his cap."  "Perfect, now we can track Ash more easily." "Great idea hon!" "Boltund go!!" A red beam shot out of Jenny's pokéball. "Boltund, I need you to track someone for me." She showed Ash's cap to Boltund and she sniffed it. Then she ran quickly out of the station and everyone followed her.

Team Rocket HQ

Two grunts were forcefully leading Ash to Giovanni's office. He was trying his hardest to resist going in, though it was futile. They were way to strong. When they arrived, they untied his hands and shoved him in a chair tying his hands to the arms of the chair. Once the grunts left, Ash tried wriggling his hands free, but that didn't work. Ash heard the automatic doors open. In came the crime boss but he had something in his hand. It was a knife! "I tried to persuade you peacefully, but you left no choice." The madman stabbed the knife through Ash's hand. The boy agonizing scream was muffled by the gag. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Giovanni took the knife out and stabbed it in his other hand. Ash let out another scream, worse than the first. He wanted it to end, unfortunately that was only the beginning. Giovanni had way more plans for Ash.

Somewhere in the forest

Officer Jenny's Boltund lead them in the middle of a forest. They thought they had a lead, but it was a dead end. "That's it?!" "That's as far as Boltund could track. We'll have to search later. Right now we need a little bit of a rest. We'll search again tomorrow morning." "But we have to keep searching for my boy." "Mrs Ketchum, I know you want to but we all need rest. We'll wake up bright and early tomorrow morning and search for him." Delia was about to protest but she stopped herself thinking this was the logical decision so tomorrow they have enough energy. Delia was about to cry though, Pikachu nuzzled her cheek as a way to make her feel better. Pikachu was the worst of them all though. To say he was worried was an understatement. His heart was shattered that Ash was gone. Pikachu has separation anxiety so he barely coping while Ash was gone. He did feel a little bit better cuddling with the boy's mother, but he was still devastated. They set up camp and after a few hours it was night so they went to bed. The next morning the searched for Ash but no sign of him. They search the day after that but no Ash. They were starting to get really worried, especially Delia and Pikachu. They hoped he was okay.

Sadly, he was not. He had been receiving the worst torture from Giovanni. Before it was stabbing on one day, then whipping him across the back. Now Ash was on an operation table looking horrible. He was black and blue all over from various beatings and he was bleeding all over from the stabs and whipping. "Now will you join Team Rocket?" "N- never!"
Giovanni growled in frustration. Ash was as stubborn as a mudbray, just like his mother. He ordered grunts to take Ash to his room. Giovanni was getting more angry and frustrated. Giovanni noticed Dr. Ezra, the doctor who gave the news that Ash was Giovanni's son, was watching and waiting for him. "Doctor, what brings you by?" "Excuse me sir for asking but is this the best way to turn the boy over to us?" "It's the only way," stated the man firmly. "But I just think it's a not a good way to turn him over to us. I mean, he is your son." "I don't care if he's my son, he will not cooperate so violence is the only way." Then the man stalked off. Dr. Ezra pitied the boy and the treatment he's getting. He never enjoyed the idea of torturing people, let alone a kid. Then he had an idea.

Ash's room

Ash was in SO much pain. It hurt to get up from his bed. He had no bandages to wrap around himself. He wanted to go home. Luckily that was about to happen. His door opened and Dr. Ezra said urgently "Come with me, now!"

Aaaahhhhh!!!!!!!I'm so happy to have this chapter done!!! This idea took a long time! Once again thank you to Pokémon-fox120 for her idea. I'll publish  Chapter 6(hopefully the last chapter) soon. Bye everyone and stay AWESOME🤩

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