Chapter 56: Out$ide Pt 2.

Depuis le début

"Okay whatever you say," she said defeated

"... Just stop bullshitting for once and explain to me why you're pissy high and drunk right now shit ain't even like you," he said. She looked at him staring into her soul and eying her like she was a piece of meat. He must have been in a better mood because he had a lot to say and he was super chill.. almost too chill.

"Me and the girls wanted to go outside it was a literal accident and I just feel like im having a heart attack," she said trying to catch her breath. "You can't get a heart attack from weed, it's just a different kind of high it'll wear off eventually," he said sliding a trash can near her. She nodded her head lowkey panicking she stood up to see if that would help but it only made it worse.

"That makes me feel so much better Tez," she said

"Can you just ...take me to the hospital? She asked.

"Yeah ... but they're not gonna do anything but pump you with saline... just calm down," he said.

"I can't" she panicked. He walked over towards her. "Just breathe, take a deep breath," he said. She quickly got on her knees throwing up in the trash can as he pulled her hair back. After she finished she began crying. Cortez was so confused this wasn't on his agenda for the night.

"What's wrong? He asked

"Nothing... Im fine" she said covering her eyes as she continued to cry. Cortez walked to the refrigerator grabbed a lemon squeezed in it a cup of water and an old trick he learned from his pops. He walked back over handing her the glass of water. "What's this? She asked

"It's lemon water, it's gonna help you come down some," he said.

"Thank you," she said

"No doubt," he said.

"Matter of fact I'll finish this blunt and be high with you cuz you little ass is trippin'," he said pulling up a chair in front of her. She felt way better after she threw up some. "How much did you eat today? He asked

"Probably a slice of pizza" she admitted

"All day? He asked.

"Yeah I wasn't hungry," she said.

"No wonder why you're tore up," he said. Cortez turned his music back on changing the station so she could relax. "Oh look it's your song," he said

Dwele x Find A Way was playing. "You know me" she said laying back on the sofa. "I do.. and I know when you're hiding something," he said. Victoria scrunched up fast now all of a sudden he wanted to talk about feelings

"Mm just last week you had nothing to say to me and I get it but now you wanna have a deep conversation ... its crazy to me," she said frustrated but calmly. Cortez silently laughed

"You do some wild shit and now I have to talk to you on your time... it doesn't work like that sweetheart," he said ashing his blunt.

"I see what you're trying to do... you're playing tit for tat," she said crossing her arms

"I'm not actually... I'm still pissed at you but I ain't no bitch ass nigga that's gonna watch you in distress either" he explained looking into her eyes.

"So why didn't you initially get me? Why did it take for Ricky to bring me to your house? I really feel like you tried to teach me a lesson or something which is childish as hell... you had me looking dumb" she said

"I had you looking dumb? He asked

"Yes" she nodded

"Last time I checked I didn't eat a whole brownie and had hella shots" he said. "And who the hell is serving regular brownies at a party" he laughed

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